He Talks About the Baby in an Interview

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"Now Ashton, your daugther took over your twitter and instagram, she is everything you talk about! You seem so happy and so proud that you got girl, most fathers want boys, it's bit strange." "Well, I said I wanted little princess as soon as we found out y/n was pregnant. I don't know she is just so cute and adorable and I can't get enough of her, and I feel like I need to share it with the world. Y/n kinda gets annoyed because I have camera in their faces 15 hours a day, but they are noth just so beautiful. She is such an amazing baby and yeah, we're all doing pretty good for now. If it stayed like this, there wouldn't be happier man in the world than me."


"So Nicholas is almost three months now, yeah? How is he doing?" Jimmy asked and Luke nodded."Yeah, Nicky will be three months in four days." He answered, grinning. "He is doing good. He is amazing baby, doesn't cry alot and he kinda started smiling already and it's so adorable. I have a feeling that he likes y/n much more than me, but I understand I like her more than me,too." He chuckled. "But yeah, seriously I'm just so happy whenever I'm just home doing nothing with the two of them.""I'm very glad to hear that."


"Now Calum, you posted this picture few days ago and are you like only man in your family?" "Umh pretty much." He chuckled. "I mean, there are few more guys I guess, but mom and Mali are staying with us for a while to help with the girls and you know, it's five of them and there is one me. It gets pretty crazy, and me and y/n are still getting used on this parenting stuff but yeah, we're doing better than I thought. I really didn't believe in us with this so much. I mean, we are both younger kid in the family, we didn't have much experience, but yeah it's good for now."


"We talked with Calum about his twins earlier, now it's Michael's time. Your babies are bit younger, yeah? How are you and y/n doing?" "Yeah, I think they are like 5 weeks apart. But, yeah they are doing awesome. Sav is a sassy little girl and she is dominant, definitely. Jax is a chill guy, likes to sleep and eat a lot, but she on the other hand likes to make us..well, mostly me carry her around and make weird faces that she for some reason likes. She is kinda daddy's girl and Jaxon likes y/n more but you know, it's okay. We are still trying to get used on having two more people in the house and I kinda feel like we're missing out on a lot of fun cause we're still afraid to do a lot of things. Y/n's mom is with us at the moment to kinda help out, but it will get better. I believe in team Mickey and y/n."

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