He Catches the Boys Staring at You

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Luke, Calum and Michael gather around a laptop, talking in hushed voices about your most recent YouTube video. "Her butt looks great in yoga pants," Michael observes. "Her butt looks great all of the time," Calum corrects. "Right here!" Michael says excitedly, pausing the screen at a time when your butt looks especially great. "She's so hot," Calum sighs. "I can't believe she's actually dating Ashton," Luke says, shaking his head. "What about Ashton?" Ashton asks, entering the room with you in tow. "What? Nothing!" Calum lies, blocking the computer screen from your and Ashton's view as him, Luke and Michael continue to stare at your frozen frame on the screen. "Are you seriously watching this again?" Ashton asks, coming up behind them. "No," Michael lies, shutting the laptop before you see. "What?" You ask, moving to Ashton's side. "They're watching your videos again," Ashton sighs, rolling his eyes at them. You chuckle, reaching over and opening the laptop to see the screen paused on a shot of your butt. "Nice, guys," you laugh. "This is horrible," Ashton sighs, embarrassed. "We didn't know she was over," Luke defends weakly. "Just stop watching her videos!" Ashton says, exasperated, "They're makeup tutorials!" The three boys exchange guilty looks and you laugh again, your cheeks reddening. "Until you start wearing makeup, I forbid you from watching Y/n's videos," Ashton says seriously, "Now apologize to Y/n." "Sorry," Luke and Michael grumble. "You have a great butt," Calum mumbles instead, making you laugh and Ashton smack him upside the head. "Let's go," Ashton sighs, taking your hand and leading you out of the room.


Since your boyfriend, Luke, and his band mates have the day off, you decide it is a great time for a beach trip. You choose to wear your brand new bikini, although it is a bit showy, especially in the chest area. You put on the bikini, a pair of shorts, and a crop top before grabbing your bag and heading out. After a twenty minute drive you arrive and see the boys laying out towels. "Hey Y/N!" you hear Calum and Michael yell. "Hey guys!" you respond happily, walking over to where all of their things are laid out. You lay your towel right next to where Luke is laying down. "Hey babe," he smiles and pulls you into into a hug. "Woah there, it's way too hot for this. I'm going in the water," you laugh as he pouts. You pull off your shorts and shirt and start spraying sunscreen on. "Guys, seriously?!" You turn around to see Luke hitting Ashton and Michael upside the head while Calum stares at you, open mouthed. Confused, you eye all off them. You quickly realize they have been staring at you, but you ask innocently, "What's wrong?" Michael opens his mouth, trying to form words, but nothing comes out. Luke breaks the silence, "Well what's wrong is that they can't keep their eyes off of my girlfriend!" Suddenly Calum speaks up, "Well I'm sorry but who expected that!" He gestures to your body and you chuckle lightly. "I did! Now stop looking at her!" Luke says harshly. You laugh, "Babe you're cute when you're protective." "Then I must be adorable right now," he mutters, still watching the boys. You giggle and drag him towards the water, teasing him the rest of the day.


You, your boyfriend Calum, and his fellow band members get ready to go out to dinner to celebrate their new album's release. Since this is a special occasion you go all out, deciding to curl your hair in big loose waves, and apply more makeup than usual. You slide on a tight black dress that shows off your body well, but still looks classy. You hear Calum call from downstairs, "Babe, c'mon were gonna be late!" "Can you come upstairs to zip me up?" you respond struggling to reach the silver zipper on the back of your dress. You hear footsteps and Calum's tall frame appear in the doorway, smirking. Walking up behind you and zipping up your dress, he smiles, "You look beautiful," pecking your now blushing cheek. "You don't look so bad yourself, Hood," you laugh. "Let's go. Everyone's waiting," Calum sighs. You roll your eyes and drag Calum out of the room behind you. As soon as your footsteps hit the stairs you hear Ashton's loud voice, "Let's go guys!" He turns to face Luke and Michael, sees the boys staring open-mouthed at the stairwell and turns around to join them. You blush, realizing they are staring at you. "Okay, we're here, we're here," Calum says, not paying attention. When no one responds he looks toward them, noticing their obvious staring. "Guys! I know Y/N's hot but eyes off!" You blush and Luke quickly looks at the floor, saying, "No! I mean she is - wait I didn't mean it like that!" You laugh and slide on your black heels, "Um thanks guys, but we should get going," you say smirking at them. Calum eyes the boys and leads you out the door. "Well that was awkward," you whisper to Calum. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Looks like I'm gonna have to have a serious talk about where their eyes are allowed," he grumbles while you laugh at his cute jealousy.


You toss and turn in Michael's bunk on the tour bus, unable to get comfortable. Summer nights on the tour bus were always miserably hot, but this is the worst it has been. You look at the clock, sighing when you see that it is 1 AM. Deciding that maybe you're hungry, you pry Michael's arms off of you and slide out of bed, making your way toward the kitchen. "Oh, hey," you nod sleepily at Calum, Luke and Ashton, who are all up watching a movie. You bend over, digging through the crammed drawers of food for something appetizing. "Who knew Y/N had such a good body!" Ashton whispers, impressed. "This is definitely a nice angle," Calum agrees, eyeing you as you search for food, oblivious to their stares. "What're you doing?" You hear Michael ask. Calum and the other two tear their eyes from you just as you stand up. "Michael! I, um," Calum glances back at you guiltily, blushing beet red. "Perv," Michael mumbles, glaring at Calum, Ashton and Luke in turn. "What?" You ask, looking around sleepily. "Come here," Michael sighs, holding out his arms for you. You oblige, forgetting a snack and making your way to Michael. "What's up?" You ask with a sleepy smile. "Come back to bed," he says. "Okay," you comply, still confused. You catch him glaring at Calum again as he leads you back to the bunk. "Did you know all of the boys were staring at you?" Michael asks with a hint of bitterness. "Oh," you say, looking down at your body and realizing that maybe you should've put on something other than your short shorts, hardly covering your bum, and your low cut tank top. "I'll have a little talk with them in the morning," Michael says sternly, "But for now come back to bed." You agree and clamber into Michael's bed, falling asleep almost instantly. You wake up in the morning to the sound of Michael and the boys bickering over who stared first and laugh to yourself, grateful for such a protective boyfriend.

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