He Talks About You to the Boys - Part 2

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Your phone lights up with a text from Ashton, "Can we skype?:( Please?" You give in, typing back a short confirmation before grabbing your laptop and opening Skype. In a matter of seconds you receive a video request from Ashton and accept immediately. "Oh, good, you answered," Ashton breathes out instantly. "Of course I did," you sigh, wishing you weren't so in love with him. "I'm really sorry, Y/n," he tells you earnestly. You look away, not wanting to give in too easily to his puppy dog eyes. "Can I at least explain?" he pleads. You glance at him and breathe out a sigh when you see the pout on his face. "Fine," you concede, letting him speak. "I just really miss you and it really hurts a lot that you're so far away from me," he begins, "And it hurts to think about it, because it's my fault. I feel horrible knowing that the reason I'm not with you right now is because I'm out seeing the world with my friends. I feel so selfish. It's so hard for me to hear you say that you miss me and not instantly feel guilty, because I know it's my fault." He looks at you with tear-filled eyes and a trembling lip and you feel your heart melt. "Ashton, you know I don't blame you, right? I know that this is your job and, more than that, your dream. I don't want you to give that up. I just want to be able to talk to you." "I know," Ashton sighs. looking down and biting his lip as he thinks. "Ashton?" you begin quietly. He looks up at you, giving you his full attention and you feel your heart pounding as you utter your next sentence. "I love you." You see Ashton's eyes widen and his jaw drop before he grins widely. "I love you, too," he tells you. "Good," you mumble with a grin, "Then nothing else matters."


You listen to the fifth voice mail Luke left you and are not surprised to find basically all the same stuff: "I'm so sorry, I'm such an idiot, please call me back." The list goes on. Something in the background of this particular message catches your ear. You play it again, listening hard to the voices. "Luke, go to sleep," you recognize Calum's voice. "He's not gonna stop calling until she picks up," Michael sighs. "She's not gonna pick up," Ashton points out, "He forgot her birthday. Would you pick up?" "If I loved him," you hear Calum say. You set the phone down to think when it begins to ring with another call from Luke. "Hello?" you say into the phone. "Did she pick up?" you hear hushed voices question. "Shhh," Luke says to them, "Leave me alone!" You hear a door shut before Luke speaks to you. "Y/n, I'm really sorry. I know I was stupid and -" "Luke," you interrupt. making him fall silent, "It's okay." "It - it is?" he asks in surprise. "I get that you have a lot going on, really, I do," you sigh, "I was just upset, but I know you didn't mean to." "I really didn't!" he agrees, "I had a great thing planned! I made a video and was gonna post it on YouTube so everyone could see how much I loved you and it's so good but -" "You made a video?" you ask, intrigued. "Yeah," Luke chuckles, "I worked on it for weeks." "So you didn't completely forget my birthday?" you ask. "Of course not! I just didn't keep track of the dates and all of a sudden your birthday had passed," he explains sheepishly. "You're so cute," you mumble, shaking your head. "So you're not mad at me anymore?" he asks hopefully. "No," you sigh, "I love you too much to stay mad at you." "Good," he breathes out a sigh of relief, "I love you too much to have you stay mad at me." "Good," you giggle. You hear Luke yawn and suddenly remember the time difference. "Luke, isn't it like 5 in the morning where you are?" "Yeah," Luke admits with a chuckle. "Go to sleep!" you tell him, surprised that he's still awake. "Okay," he sighs. You hear shuffling until you guess he's in bed. "I love you," he whispers. "I love you, too," you sigh before he ends the call.


"I'm gonna go order pizza," Calum informs you, handing you his Mario Kart steering wheel so you can play with the other boys before he leaves to find his phone. "So, Y/n," Michael begins once Calum leaves, "How are things with Calum?" "They're good," you chuckle, unsure why he is asking. "Anything, I dunno, less than good?" Ashton asks casually. "What do you mean? you ask him. "Ya know, is there anything that's kinda not where it should be at this point in your relationship?" "What kind of question is that?" you chuckle, still not understanding what he is trying to get at. Ashton looks to Michael for help and Michael pauses the game before turning to you. "How's the sex?" he asks shortly. You feel your face flush as you stutter, looking for an answer. "Michael, you can't ask her that!" Luke comes to your rescue. "We all wanted to know," Michael mutters. "Sorry," Luke apologizes for his friend. Lowering his voice, he adds, "But why haven't you had sex yet?" "Did Cal tell you guys that?!" you question, entirely mortified. The three boys exchange guilty looks and you get up quickly, going out to find Calum. You reach the door just as Calum opens it from the other side. "What's up, babe?" he asks. "Can we talk?" you say before pulling him out of the room. "Your friends just asked me why we haven't had sex," you inform him, crossing your arms over your chest. "Oh," Calum mumbles, his cheeks turning bright red, "Sorry." "Do you realize how uncomfortable that is for me to try to answer for your friends when we haven't even really talked about it?" "I am sorry," Calum insists, "But, it's a fair question." You look to him questioningly and he reiterates, "I mean, why haven't we - ya know." "I dunno," you sigh, "I just - I've been hurt before Calum. You know that." He nods, remembering when you told him about your ex-boyfriend, and you continue, "I just wanna make sure this is real first. Ya know?" "Yeah," Calum sighs, "I get it." "Thanks," you say with a small smile as you let him pull you into a warm hug.


"Y/n is coming over," Michael informs his three friends as he gets off the phone with you. "Why?" Calum asks instantly. "She just asked if she could come over," Michael says with a shrug. A few minutes later a knock at the door tells them that you've arrived. Michael hops up, making his way to the door and letting you in right away. "Hey, Michael," you say, giving him a hug before making your way to the living room where the boys sit. "I feel like I haven't seen you guys in forever," you say, greeting each of the boys with hugs. "That's because you've been with your boyfriend," Luke points out. "Oh, yeah," you say, blushing and subconsciously glancing at Michael. You notice him roll his eyes and look at Ashton, making some kind of gagging motion. "How is he?" Ashton asks, ignoring Michael and reverting his attention to you. "He's - he's good," you say, distracted by Michael's behavior. "That's good," Ashton says with a fake smile. "Super good!" Michael says in a high-pitched voice, clapping his hands. "What is with you, Michael?" you snap. "What? Nothing!" Michael says defensively. "You've been so rude to me since I got here," you point out. "I just don't wanna talk about your stupid boyfriend, alright?" he admits. "I didn't bring him up," you remind him, "Your friends did." "I don't care," Michael tells you, "I'm just sick of hearing about him." "You're ridiculous," you say, rolling your eyes, "You can't even be happy for me." "Happy that you're dating a prick?" Michael clarifies. "Happy that I'm happy, Michael!" you argue, "You've dated loads of awful girls and I told you I didn't like them, but when you didn't listen, I let it go! Because it was your life and you could make your own decisions and if you were happy why would I interfere? But you just can't be happy for me if I'm not doing exactly what you think I should do! Why is that?" "Because I like you, Y/n, alright?! You're dating this stupid guy but you should be dating me because I would treat you so much better!" "You don't think I liked you, Michael?" you ask in shock, "You're so blind! I was in love with you for years! You never saw me as more than a friend and now I've gotten over you and all of a sudden you want me?" Michael stares at you blankly as he comprehends what you told him. You turn to the three boys who are watching in shocked silence and say, "Well, it was great to see you all. I'm going home." With that you storm from the room and out of the house, shutting the door with a loud slam.

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