You're Mentioned in an Interview

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"Do you guys miss your friends back home? Or do they ever visit?" the man interviewing 5 Seconds of Summer inquired. "We don't really have a lot of friends outside of the band," Calum admitted. "So no one comes out to visit on tour or anything?" the interviewer clarified. "No, not really," Michael responded with a shrug. "Who is the young lady that accompanied you all to the studio today then?" the man questioned. "Oh, that's my girlfriend, Y/n," Ashton explained with a proud smile. "Aw, you brought your girlfriend along!" the man cooed, "That's adorable." Ashton laughed along with his band mates. "So do things change when Ashton's girlfriend comes to visit?" the man inquired, "Less mess? Less nudity? Anything like that?" "Not really," Calum admitted, "I don't put on clothes no matter who's over." "So it's kind of a package deal? If you're dating Ashton you have to deal with you three also?" he asked with a laugh. "Yeah, I think so," Ashton answered, "I mean it'd be weird to date someone who didn't like my best friends. I don't know if she knew what she was getting into when this started, but she doesn't mind their weirdness. She's pretty weird, too." "We always say that Ashton is the daddy of the band," Luke shared, "And when Y/n comes on tour we always call her Mom. It annoys her, but it's actually quite appropriate because she cooks for us and does our laundry when she can't handle the smell anymore and honestly she's like our mom sometimes." "So Ashton and Y/n have three kids?" the interviewer laughed. "Basically," Michael agreed with a chuckle. "Alright, well we're out of time for today. Anything you wanna say before we close?" the interviewer invited. "We love you, Mom!" Calum said with a childish grin. He, Luke, and Michael waved to the camera wildly as Ashton laughed.


"What is the most embarrassing thing you've done when it comes to a girl?" Ashton read from the question card. Instantly the heads of Calum, Michael and Ashton swiveled to Luke. "Is there a story?" the interviewer prompted. "No," Luke stated adamantly. "Would you like to tell the story or should I?" Michael inquired with a grin. "You can," Luke grumbled, rolling his eyes. "So when we were in London over the summer Luke and I were in this coffee shop, and Luke wanted to show me his newest dance move or something. I really don't know. So as we're rounding the corner to where the seating is, Luke does some sort of spin kick with his drink in his hand and literally takes out this girl - like she spilled her entire drink and was knocked to the ground and Luke fell on top of her and spilled his drink and it was really bad." "It wasn't that bad," Luke sighed as Ashton and Calum laughed. "Dude, it was bad," Michael insisted. Luke shook his head, blushing immensely. "Anyway," Michael continued, "Luke is on top of this girl now and I can't even help because I'm laughing so hard. After the initial shock, Luke rolls off of her and gets to his feet and helps her up and whatever and he says, 'Wow, I'm really sorry. That was really embarrassing and um you're really pretty.' And at this point I'm laughing so hard I can't even save him from himself. Then the girl starts laughing and doesn't really know what to say. Luke kept apologizing and all but really it was just embarrassing for everyone and finally I stopped laughing and I apologized for Luke's clumsiness and said, 'Why don't you let him buy you dinner?' And of course she accepted and well, that's how Luke met his current girlfriend." "No way!" the interviewer interjected in disbelief. Luke nodded sheepishly while Calum and Ashton continued to laugh as they did every time they heard the story. "She said later it was like something from a fanfiction, but when I asked her how she would know that she took it back," Luke shared, sending the boys into another round of laughter.


"Calum, last time we talked you were very happy to talk about your longtime girlfriend, Y/n," the man interviewing 5 Seconds of Summer recalled, "Are things still going well with her? It's been about a year, I know, so any wedding plans?" Calum let out an uncomfortable laugh as he searched for a proper answer. "I hate weddings," Michael voiced with a worried glance toward Calum. "Me too," Luke joined in, "They're really boring and people always cry." "That's true," the interviewer confirmed, "So does that mean no wedding plans there yet?" "Well, uh, no," Calum managed. "You know what else I hate?" Michael interrupted, "I hate sushi. I mean, what's good about raw fish anyway? Why would you eat that?" "I love sushi," Ashton piped up, "It's probably one of my favorite foods. What's your favorite food, Michael?" "We just went over favorite foods," the interviewer laughed, "I guess Luke wasn't lying when he said you all have the attention spans of squirrels." The boys laughed nervously, doing their best to keep the attention from the unanswered questions involving you. "Anyway, Calum," the man returned, "What's new with you and Y/n then?" "We actually aren't together anymore," Calum answered stiffly. The tightening in his throat made him very aware that the break up last week was still fresh for him. "Why is that?" the interviewer pressed, clearly taking no hints that this subject was one Calum did not wish to discuss. "Um, I dunno," he responded quietly. "I have a funny story!" Luke volunteered loudly. "Tell it!" Ashton encouraged. Despite the interviewer's protests, Luke delved into a ridiculous fictional tale of the four of them that he made sure took up the rest of the interview time.


"What's been the most fun you've had in Las Vegas so far?" the interviewer questioned. "Oh, well last night Ashton, Luke and I went to this all you can eat buffet and stayed for hours," Calum recalled, "There was just so much food." "Why didn't you go, Michael?" the woman inquired, "You were just saying how much you loved food." "He was on a date," Calum answered for him with a smirk. "Ooh, do tell," the interviewer invited. "Well, yeah, my girlfriend has been with us for about a week now," Michael explained, not even trying to hide the smile that crept onto his face every time he talked about you, "And we haven't gotten to do much because it's been so busy, so I took her out last night." "And what did you two do?" the woman prompted. "We went to Serendipity," he said with a little laugh as he felt his cheeks redden. "That restaurant is so cute for couples," she awed. "You're so cute, Michael," Ashton joked, pinching his cheek. "So romantic," Calum sighed, resting his head on Michael's shoulder. "Oh, stop," the woman scolded, "I'm sure he's a great boyfriend." "I try to be," Michael admitted as his friends chortled. "Did you do anything else?" she questioned eagerly. "We walked around a bit," Michael shared, "but no not much." "What about back in her room?" Calum questioned cheekily, "Because I don't recall you coming to our room until early this morning." "You're such a dick," Michael laughed, pushing Calum off of the interviewer's couch. "Next question," Michael requested, blushing profusely.

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