You die (His POV)

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I squeezed your hands in mine and you squeezed back, smiling at me sadly. "You're gonna be okay," you whispered. I looked down at your all too familiar hospital sheets to hide the fact that I was tearing up - again. "I know you'll be okay," you repeated, letting go of my hands and cupping my face, forcing me to look at you. You rested your forehead against mine and I smiled despite myself. "I love you," I sighed. You smiled, scooting over and patting the spot next to you in bed. I crawled next to you, hugging you tightly against my chest. I quickly wiped a tear from my cheek. How could I not be out of tears yet? "Ashton?" You whispered. "Ya?" I said, clearing my throat to hide the fact that I was crying. "Promise me you'll be okay," you begged. "How can I promise that?" I said with a light chuckle. "Just promise me you won't, ya know, feel weird about moving on," you explained, looking up at me hopefully. I sighed, not wanting to tell you that honestly I didn't know if I'd be able to move on without thinking of you. "Okay," I sighed. "I can tell you're lying," you pointed out, chuckling weakly. "I promise that after some time maybe I will date another person," I muttered, unable to look at you for fear of you seeing the tears welling in my eyes again. "You'll love someone else, Ash, don't worry," you stated, smiling confidently. "And she's gonna be beautiful and funny and smart and have great taste in music," you listed, smiling at me all the while. "She won't be you," I pointed out hopelessly. "She'll be better than me! I bet she'll be great at video games and a really good cook, and maybe she'll even like Vegemite!" You added, making me laugh as I remembered the time I made you try Vegemite and you nearly puked. You smiled, no doubt proud that you had gotten me to laugh today. "She sounds alright," I joked with a shrug. "So promise me you won't feel bad moving on, alright?" You asked, looking at me seriously. "Alright," I said with a little more truth than last time, "But you'll always be my first love." "And you'll always be my last," you replied, biting your lip as your eyes filled with tears. I kissed your forehead, hugging you against my chest in silence. "Mr. Irwin?" A sweet voice called from the door, "It's time to go." I sighed and nodded to the nurse, who left us alone to say goodbye. "Well, it's been real," you chuckled, sending me a wide grin. "I'll always love you," I said. I let the tears fall entirely now, knowing it was no use trying to hold them back. "Hey, Ashton," you whispered. I looked into your bright, dancing eyes and waited for you to continue. "You're gonna live an amazing life. You've already saved so many lives, and you're gonna save so many more. You know I wouldn't have made it this far without you." I nodded, trying to believe what you were saying. "So don't stop smiling, baby," You told me, "Because I swear your smile can change the world." I let out a watery laugh and smiled at you, which made you smile, too. You kissed my cheek and I got up, knowing you were tired and I needed to go. I headed for the door and you waved one last time. I took a mental picture, knowing it was the last time I'd see your smile, and I turned away as you laid down to sleep for the last time.


"Hello?" I said, rolling over in my bunk as I answered a call from an unknown number. "Is this Luke Hemmings?" An unfamiliar voice asked me. "Yeah, who's this?" I asked. "I'm calling about Y/n," he told me, ignoring my question. "What about her?" I asked, sitting up, suddenly wide awake. "She was in an accident," he said. I felt my heart drop along with my jaw. "She's - she's dead," he said shortly. "No," I said immediately, "No she's not." "A drunk driver hit her," he informed me, "She was dead on impact." "No," I repeated, louder. The phone slipped from my hand and clattered to the floor, waking up Ashton. "Luke?" He asked sleepily, "You alright?" "Y/n," I said weakly. "What?" He asked, pulling back his bunk curtain to look at me. "Luke, what's going on?" He asked, concerned. "She -" I choked, giving up on the words. "You're shaking," Ashton observed, "What happened?" He got out of bed and came to sit next to me. "I'm gonna be sick," I muttered, falling from the bed and staggering to the bathroom. "Luke!" Ashton called after a minute, pounding on the door. "Why are you awake?" I heard Michael ask. "I - I don't know," Ashton replied, sounding panicked. "Luke, open the door!" That was Calum. I reached up weakly, unlocking the door. "What's going on?" Calum asked. "Y/n - she, um," I shook my head, unable to say the word. "Did she break up with you?" Michael asked quietly. I shook my head. "Is she alright?" Calum asked. Again I shook my head. "She, um, isn't -" Why do I feel so cold? I'm shaking, but I'm not crying. Why am I not crying? I want to throw up. I don't want to live through this. "She's dead," I managed. "What?" Three voices asked in unison. I shrugged, not knowing what else to say. The first sob racked my body, and I lost it entirely. I collapsed to the floor, chest heaving as I tried to breathe. "Luke, talk to us," Calum instructed, rubbing my arm steadily. I shook my head, unable to speak. "Is that what the phone call was about?" Ashton asked. I nodded. "Accident," I choked out, still not entirely believing it as I said it. "Let's get you out of the bathroom," Michael offered, picking me up and carrying me to the couch. "Y/n," I murmured hopelessly. The boys looked at me, clearly unsure of how to react. "Let it out," Calum instructed weakly, sitting beside me and patting my back. I shook my head. That's all I could do. "I wanna be alone," I muttered weakly. "I don't think that's a good idea," Ashton replied sadly. "Do you wanna sleep?" Calum offered. I nodded, although I knew there was no chance I would get any sleep. I shuffled back to my bunk, clambering onto it with difficulty and shutting the curtains, grateful for the darkness. I don't know how long I sat crying before drifting into a restless sleep filled with nightmares of losing you.

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