Turning him on in public

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They've been filming interviews all day as part of their worldwide tour promotion and although he loves what he's doing, the constant reminder that he was going to be leaving you in a matter of weeks wasn't exactly appreciated. They are midway through a break before their last interview when his phone vibrates in his pocket. He can't help but smile when he sees that you've text him, but that grin quickly falters when he reads it. Wish you were here right now. I want you so bad, Ash. The thought of you back home, needing him, desperate for him, was more of a turn on than it should have been and the spreading warmth throughout his body is testament to that. He's about to text back when his phone vibrates again.I'm so wet for you.He groans loudly, catching the attention of the boys, who all raise their eyebrows in silent query. He shakes his head at them, thumb tapping away at his phone screen. Are you touching yourself? He has to close his eyes briefly just thinking about it and when a Snapchat comes through, a close up picture of two of your fingers stretching your tight pussy greets him. A grunt bursts from his mouth and his heart races in his chest as it works overtime to send all his blood south. God, baby, you look so fucking good. He sends, quickly following with, Don't you wish those were mine? We both know you love it when I fuck you with my fingers. His temperature is rising just thinking about your usual reaction to his touch.He knows that if he was home right now, he could get you off at least twice with his fingers alone. Instead you were a good thirty minutes away, pleasuring yourself while he sat in a stuffy room with a hard-on and his three best mates. His phone buzzes. You know I'm imagining its you, but my fingers just aren't good enough any more. "Fuck!" he rubs a hand over his face and ignores the boys when they question him. His cock is suffocating behind the zipper of his skinny jeans as the interviewer walks in and he just manages to text back, You better be fucking ready for me when I get home. before he has to shake himself out of it, determined not to blush as the guy shaking his hand raises an eyebrow at the obvious bulge in his jeans.


It's a family dinner for Christ's sake, definitely not an appropriate occasion to wear that top. The one you know he loves because he's told you a million times. He's sitting opposite you, between his mother and Jack, who he knows is getting a good look too, and he can't keep his eyes off of your tits. They strain against that damn top every time you inhale and he watches them jiggle as you laugh and chat with the others while you all wait for food. All he can think about is what you look like topless; he loves your breasts after all and will never get enough of them, so he stares at you and remembers exactly what your nipples look and feel like when he suckles them until they are red and swollen. He stifles a moan by sinking his teeth into his bottom lip, drawing his piercing into his mouth and flicking it with his tongue. Beside him, Jack chuckles deeply and Luke shoots him a glare, aware that he is not being very subtle but he just can't help it. Your eyes flash to his when your conversation with his dad draws to a natural end and you grin widely, giving him a wink that proves to him that you know what's going through his head. The waiters appear armed with plates of food and when everyone is distracted trying to get the right meal in front of them, Luke feels a foot nudge his ankle. He immediately looks up at you with wide eyes, praying you don't do what he's thinking you're going to, but of course your bare foot is sliding up and down his calf. He tries to ignore it as everyone tucks in, his fingers gathering up some fries and shoving them in his mouth as he narrows his eyes at you. You smile back so fucking innocently that he knows he's in for it. A blush flares on his cheeks as your foot moves further up, running along his thigh in one swoop before your toes curl against the growing bulge in his trousers. Licking the salt from his fingers, he drops a hand beneath the table and grips your foot, trying to push it away but you press forward, applying a delicious pressure that makes him throb. A grunt bursts from his lips that makes his mum look at him, "Everything okay?" she asks, frowning at him as though he's a lunatic. Luke clears his throat, his hand squeezing your foot even tighter as your toes wiggle dangerous "Yeah." he nods, "Fine." Jack laughs beside him and you blink your wide eyes as though you're doing nothing wrong. If there's one thing he knows, it's that you are definitely going to get it later.


The tour wrap party turns out to be a lot bigger than he thought it would be, but then again you meet a lot of people when you travel the world for 9 months. The venue management have hired is filled with guests, from those who worked on the tour to friends who just wanted to enjoy the free drinks and food. Calum is doing his best to mingle, shaking hands and taking compliments, sipping swiftly at the flute of sharp champagne in his hand, but the entire time he's going his part all he can think of is you. His eyes roam the crowd just as Michael collapses against the bar beside him, looking rather exhausted and a little drunk. "She's over there, mate." he nods towards Calum's right and when he turns he spots you immediately. You're across the room, smiling brightly as Harry Styles talks animatedly about something or other. You look stunning in that slinky black dress that hugs every single curve, with your lips painted red and your hair spilling out over your shoulders. So beautiful in fact, that he has to keep an eye on everyone around you, making sure they weren't going to move in on what was his. He's only been looking a few seconds when you turn and meet his eyes, your grin widening even more as you excuse yourself and saunter over. "Fucking lucky man." Michael grunts beside him just as you get within reach. "Having fun?" he asks, a squirming sensation starting up in his gut as you look at him. Your tongue swipes your bottom lip as you nod and step closer, your fingers intertwining with his. The touch sparks something inside of him that he knows will get him into trouble. "A lot of fun." your voice is soft, sensual, and travels straight to his cock as he think about the way you sound when you are naked beneath him. "Could think of a few ways to have a little more though." You purr, eyebrows rising suggestively. Calum swallows thickly, his eyes drifting to the plunging neckline of your dress. He nods, turning his body towards the bar to hide its reaction to you, "I'm sure you can." he grins slyly, pulling you into his side and leaning in to kiss you.


You're doing it on purpose, he's sure. That sway in your hips and the thrust of your chest, that wide smirk on your luscious lips. He had begged you not to wear that bikini, that tiny navy two piece that covered next to nothing, for this exact reason but you went ahead and put it on anyway. The two of you are surrounded by friends and family at Luke's pool party; there are parents here, hell there are little kids too, it definitely is not the place for him to pop a woody but if the tell-tale stirring in his shorts was anything to go by, he wasn't going to have a choice. He watches as you wrap your lips around your beer bottle, tip your head back and swallow, it's a simple act but one that practically pushes him over the edge. Combined with the thin layer of sweat that is making your skin glisten and the obvious peaks of your hard nipples under the fabric of that bikini top, he's completely done for. "Fuck." He groans to himself, jumping up from his lounger and trying not to poke anyone's eye out. "What's wrong with-" Calum starts before his mouth drops open, "Oh, I see." He scoffs, laughter crinkling his eyes. "Shut up." Michael huffs, rushing inside and heading towards the bathroom, he is about to yank the door shut when a hand on his wrist stops him. He turns, groaning again at the sight of the mischievous look on your face. "Babe, you okay?" you ask, your gaze drifting downwards, "I mean...you look very okay..." You waggled your eyebrows in a way that makes a chuckle burst from his lips, "But do you need help with anything?" your teeth nip at your bottom lip as you push him into the bathroom, his grin spreading by the second as he catches on. He shakes his head at you, his expression incredulous, "You naughty girl." He growls. How the hell had he gotten so lucky?

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