Shownu (Fluff/Sexy) Lipstick Prince

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You jumped from your desk when you heard your phone ring, indicating that you received a text message.
You got up to get your phone from your bed and unlocked it.
It was a message from your boyfriend Shownu.

Shownu Bear❤️: Hey baby, do you want to hang out later tonight?
You: I'd love to! What should we do?
Shownu Bear❤️: Hmm.. Can we stay in? I want to cuddle~
You: That sounds lovely babe. See you soon ❤️
You went back to your desk to finish the 10 page long essay you've been working on for your literature class.

-Hours Later, 6pm-

'Finally done with my paper!' you thought.
You still had some time left before Shownu would come, so you went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and freshen up. You hadn't been washed up all day since you've been working on the paper.

After getting out of the shower, you left your hair natural and put on some light makeup with a pop of red on your lips.

You were picking out a movie while sitting on the couch when the doorbell rang.
You ran and opened the door to greet your precious bear, who had his hands full with chinese takeout.

"Shownu!!" you exclaimed as you threw your arms around his neck.
"Woah you must've missed me a lot, y/n~" Shownu said while chuckling with his cute eyesmile.

Together, you and Shownu set up the food on the coffee table in the living room to watch a movie while eating.

"What movie do you want to watch, baby?" you asked.
"Anything you want, my love~" Shownu replied.

You scrolled through and picked your favorite movie. You relaxed your back against the couch and started digging into the food with your eyes glued on the tv.
Meanwhile, Shownu couldn't take his eyes off of your plump, red lips.

After finishing the food, you both sat on the couch; Shownu wrapped his arms around your waist while you sat cross legged in his lap. You were paying attention to the movie when you felt his chin in the crook of your neck.

"You smell so good, y/n - did you do anything special today?" he asked.
"Not really, maybe it's just my body wash since I just took a shower an hour ago," you answered.
"Mmm I see. Whatever it is, I love it," he replied while breathing in your scent.

You chuckled and turned your face to look at him. He lifted his face from your neck to meet your eyes, and started leaning in to eventually meet your lips.

His arms were wrapped around your waist tightly as he kissed you gently but passionately. His lips were soft and plump, and you felt butterflies in your stomach when kissing him.

He broke apart to turn you around to where your entire body faced him now. You wrapped your legs around his torso, and the two of you started leaning in again.

Just before your lips met, Shownu whispered with a flustered expression:
"Y/n, I've been staring at your lips this whole time. Your red lipstick is overly sexy and I just couldn't help myself."
You let out a quiet giggle at his extreme cuteness.
"You don't need to restrain yourself- I'm your girlfriend and I'd let you kiss me any day," you winked.

He smiled shyly and took his hands from your waist to cup your face. He leaned in again to kiss you, but this time more passionately and hungrily than the kiss before.

Sooner or later, it turned into a make out session with both of you kissing and nibbling each other's lips. You and Shownu's tongues danced in sync, and felt every unit of each other's warm lips.

You finally broke apart, gasping for air, and couldn't help but laugh at the situation infront of you.
Half of Shownu's face was covered with red lipstick in shapes of sloppy kisses and cute, red marks the size of your lips.
Shownu, not knowing why you were laughing, gave you a confused look.

"Shownu, your face has lipstick all over it!" you said while laughing.
"It- it does?" he asked, confused.

You reached over to grab your phone so you could show him his reflection in the camera.

After taking a good look, Shownu laughed while lightly face palming himself.

"Oops... I forgot to wear non smudging lipstick today... I didn't think we'd uh.. be doing .. 'this'.." you explained shyly.

"It's okay, your lips still tasted good. Just make sure, when you wear lipstick, that it's always smudge proof because you never know when we'll be making out," he said with a smirk.
Your eyes widened at the bold statement, but soon after you giggled while tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Well then, since you already got lipstick all over my face, should we continue with what we were doing?" Shownu said while slowly and smoothly wrapping his arms around your waist again.

"I guess we could do a little more before cleaning you up," you replied with a cheeky smile.
You slid your hands up his chest and locked your hands together behind his neck.

"I love you, princess," whispered Shownu, your faces only inches apart.
"I love you more, my prince," you replied, looking into his eyes.

Your lips met again, and that night was ... Let's just say...


A/N: HI ok so i got inspired to do this when i was watching a shownu compilation on "Lipstick Prince" being all cute with girls hehehehe. i tried to explain the position that you guys were sitting in when kissing as detailed as possible but idk if the point got across lol.

so the beginning of the kiss was kinda like this,

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so the beginning of the kiss was kinda like this,

so the beginning of the kiss was kinda like this,

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and the rest of it was like this.

idk. it made sense in my head but it was hard putting it into words ajfkwlfa hahahahahaha sorry if it sucked 😂😂😂😂


anyways thanks for reading (the a/n was hella all over the place hahaa oof i'm sorry) & make sure to comment/vote/add this to your library!!


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