Kihyun (Fluff) Beautiful

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"Urgh," you said to yourself as you struggled to open the jar of jam.

You were at your best friend Kihyun's house because he was sick and needed someone to take care of him.
You decided to come over and make him some breakfast while he slept in.

Well, you were trying to, at least.
If the damn jar would open!

You already had the egg and toast ready, and all you had to do was spread the jam on the toast. You'd been wrestling the jar for a good ten minutes when you heard Kihyun's footsteps into the kitchen.

"Y/n? Do you need help?" you heard his groggy voice.
"No Kihyun you're sick! You should be resting. Go back to bed!" you said, pulling him by the hand, back towards his room.
"You sounded like you needed help though; I heard grunting," his low husky voice chuckled.

Your face turned pink from embarrassment.

"I-it's nothing. Just go back to bed, Kihyun," you insisted.
"Hm really~?" Kihyun said, in a teasing tone.
"All that sickness, and you still have enough energy to tease me?" you glared.
"Now now, that's no way to talk to a patient, is it?" Kihyun replied innocently.

You sighed as you went back over to the counter and attempted to open the jar once more, in hopes that it will open.
Of course it didn't open- you don't just get strength out of nowhere like that.

Kihyun let out a loud laugh.
"Just give it to me, y/n, I can open it for you," he said through loud laughs.
You knew you were eventually going to need help with it.
You hung your head, walked over to him, and handed him the jar.
You were disappointed in yourself because you couldn't even make a good breakfast for your sick best friend, let alone open a tiny jar of jam.
To be honest, you kind of felt defeated by the jar.

You wanted to do things for Kihyun, and wanted to always show your intelligent and perfect side when you were around Kihyun.

Usually, you did everything perfectly. But when it came to being in front of Kihyun, you always messed something up. Maybe because you constantly felt nervous to be around him.

'Such an embarrassment of myself,' you thought to yourself.

Kihyun must've noticed your off facial expression because he waved his hand in front of your face and asked if you were okay.

"I-I'm fine.." you replied with a sulky expression.
"You sure? You seem a little off," he replied, studying your face.
"Yeah, I just.. I feel like I'm not good enough," you said.
"For not being able to open a jar? That's ridiculous, y/n," Kihyun giggled.

"No not just that. Whenever I try to do things for you, I always mess something up. I try to be the best of myself that I can be, but whenever I'm around you I do something stupid like tripping and falling or something. I don't even know why I feel that way for you but I just do. I feel antsy and nervous around you," you said, fiddling with your apron.

"Look at me, y/n," Kihyun said.

You stayed still.

"Please just look at me," he said again.

You slowly lifted your face, but impatient Kihyun gently grabbed your chin and lifted it so your eyes would meet his.

"Nobody is perfect, y/n. You, me, nobody else in this world. Everyone messes up from time to time, and it's completely normal. You don't have to be perfect in front of me because I like you the way you are. I like how clumsy you are; I think it's very cute. You can mess up in front of me all you want, but it won't change my feelings for you. I like you just like this, y/n."

You blinked a few times and gave a confused expression.

"Is...Is this a confession..?" you asked, secretly wanting him to say yes.
"Well... I said that I like you y/n," he replied shyly, looking away while rubbing the back of his neck.
"It just.. happened out of nowhere," you said.
"I uh- meant to tell you that you're lovely the way you are but my feelings just bursted out along with it," he scratched his head awkwardly.

You threw your arms around his neck, causing him to loose his balance and take a few steps backwards.

"I really like you too, Kihyun," you whispered.

Kihyun broke the hug and intertwined his fingers into yours.

"Stupid cold! I really wanna kiss you right now but I can't because I don't wanna get you sick," he pouted.
"And? We can be sick together!" you giggled.
"Is that so..?" Kihyun smirked.

He lightly pecked your forehead and moved down to your cheeks, then your nose, then your lips.

After a few sweet pecks, you broke apart and slid your arms around his waist while resting your head on his chest.
He wrapped one arm around your waist while the other caressed the back of your head, and rested his chin against the top of your head.

"Looks like we'll both be in bed sick soon," he chuckled.
"I don't mind," you replied, breathing in his sweet scent.

"I love everything about you, y/n, even the things that you don't like about yourself."

"You're beautiful, my darling."

A/N: SORRY THIS SUCKED but i wanted to make something about self confidence and things like that. don't try to fit yourself into other people's standards bc that only makes life hard!! live for yourself and be who you want to be. set your own standards and goals in life and live by them! trust me, it'll make you 1003984392 times happier. YOU'RE ALL AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL (:


forebebe ❤️

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