Jooheon (Fluff) By My Side

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'Albums? Check.'
'Sticky notes? Check.'
'Camera? Check.'
'Presents? Check.'

You thought to yourself as you double checked your bag for the millionth time.
Tomorrow is the big day - you're finally going to a Monsta X fansign!
This was something that you've been waiting for forever, and you're especially excited to see your ultimate bias, Jooheon.

You climbed into bed and stared at the ceiling, reciting, for a final time, what you want to say to the members while you're there.

The next day, you managed to find your way to the fansign venue after much struggle.

You walked into the venue, and you could already hear camera shutters from the 99 other lucky fans who were warming up to capture their biases' every moment.
You proceeded to your seat number 16, which was farthest left of the first row.
The boys weren't out yet, so you decided to prepare your own small setup with a camera that you rented as well as your tripod.

After patiently waiting for a while, you heard the door creak open, and the boys scurried in, deciding who to sit where.
After a quick discussion, they were seated from left to right, with Jooheon, Shownu, Kihyun, Minhyuk, Hyungwon, IM, and Wonho.

You were nervous to see your bias, Jooheon, sitting right in front of you, but quickly gathered your thoughts to start capturing his moments.

You turned to your camera and started taking pictures, but Jooheon was strangely making eye contact with specifically your camera. Astonished, you peeked out from your camera to look at him, and found his beautiful pair of eyes staring at your own.

You gave him a shy smile and wave, and your heart almost melted when he smiled back: eyes forming into crescents and dimples deepening.

The fansign started and it was your turn to go, but you were required to let the managers check your sticky notes with questions on them.
You nervously opened the album, handing it to one of the fansign managers so she could eye the notes.

To your surprise, the manager ripped out your sticky notes, declaring that the questions were "too personal" and "unnecessary."
Upset and angry, you felt your hot tears trying to escape your eyes, but you held yourself together to still make the most of this fansign.

As you took the album back from the manager, you felt a tall shadow next to you.

"Manager-nim, I don't think it was necessary to rip our his/her sticky notes like that. S/he probably worked very hard to think of those questions, and I want to answer them."

You mentally screamed at yourself, heart pounding out of your chest.

The manager scoffed and threw the scrunched up sticky notes back at you, shooting you a dirty look.
Jooheon led you to the signing table and helped you sit down.

"I'm sorry. I know the managers can be really harsh sometimes. They're only doing things for our safety, but it sometimes gets too much for fans," Jooheon apologized with a sorry look.

"I-it's- it's okay..." you stuttered, fidgeting with the crumbled sticky notes.

"Now, y/n, what did you want to ask me on those sticky notes?" he smiled brightly.
"H- how did you know my name?" you replied.
He chuckled. "It's written on the album right here," he pointed.
"Oh. Right..." you internally facepalmed yourself at how stupid you may have sounded.

"So... Ask away?" he said.
"Well I uh.. I just wanted to ask you if... If you have any thoughts on getting married in the future..." your voice trailed off, suddenly embarrassed at the question.

Jooheon laughed.
You looked up to make eye contact with him, and you were completely engaged in his deep, dark eyes.

"That's such a cute question, y/n, just like the person who asked it," he grinned.

Your face flushed red and you started shaking your head.

"You don't... Have to answer it if you don't want to," you smiled sheepishly.
"I would love to get married and also have children. Only if the person is as lovely as you though," he winked.

You playfully hit his hand and shook your head. He took the chance to glue his hand to yours.

"My hand is heavy... Can you hold it? Just for a little bit?" he pouted.

'How could I resist this fluffy ball of cuteness?'
You thought to yourself as you played with his hands and poked his dimples.

"You know I noticed you before you came up here - I saw you right when I walked in and thought you were so beautiful," he said.
"Oh really...?" you doubted.
"Yeah, you kinda have a face that's hard to forget. You stand out a lot so I can recognize you," he smiled.

You couldn't hide your happiness and started tearing up at the situation.
You were in front of your bias.
Talking to him.
Shaking his hand.
And he thinks you're beautiful.

How much better could this get?

You didn't notice the small water beads falling out of your eyes until Jooheon gave you a worried look.

"Y/n, are you okay?" his face immediately fell.
"Ye-yeah.. I'm just so happy that I'm here.. Talking to you," you managed to say through small hiccups.

Jooheon pulled his sleeves down to his hands and started blotting your tears.
"Awww don't cry, y/n, I'm so glad that I got to know you," he said.

He smoothed your hair away from your face and caressed your hand until you stopped crying.

"I love you so much, and I really hope I'll get to see you again," you said with a big smile.
"You're more beautiful when you smile! I hope we get to meet again and I love you too!" he blew a kiss.

You hurriedly grabbed it from the air and gave his hand one last shake.

hi (:
i'm back
idk what else to say
i haven't been on since last year wow
i'm almost done with high school (:
wish me luck with graduation!


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