Jooheon (for bad days) Hero

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Today. Was just a shitty ass day. Just terrible.

You'd been working hard on your grades for history, but the very last test you had messed it all up.

You had perfect scores on your transcript, except this one score of course. It stuck out like a sore thumb.

Oh also, did you know that you failed that Biology test today? Yeah, you didn't know anything on there because you studied the wrong material.

And to make your day even better, on the way back home from classes today, your car broke down.
You waited in your car for a tow truck for 2 hours.
Nothing came! They said it would take the tow truck 15 minutes but 2 hours went by.

So you called your boyfriend, Jooheon to come pick you up from wherever the hell you were in the middle of the road.

You didn't want to call him since he was at work and you didn't want to bother him. But you had no other choice.


"Hello? Y/n?" he answered immediately.

As soon as you heard him, your eyes started to tear up from all of the stress that has been piling on you today. You stifled your tears as you told him about your situation.

"Baby.. Why didn't you tell me earlier? I would've left work right away!" you could hear his frown through the phone.

"I-I just.. I didn't want to bother you at work and-" your sniffles got louder.
"Shhh it's okay it's okay. Stay on the phone with me while I get there okay?" he tried to soothe you.

Jooheon arrived, along with a policeman. Jooheon worked everything out, and you guys had a silent ride to your house.

As soon as you arrived home, you sunk yourself into the couch.
Jooheon noticed your sulky expression and came and sat next to you.

"Baby are you still upset about your car? It'll only take a few days to get fixed, don't worry y/n," he said.
"No the car was just the last straw. I'm so stressed about life. I messed up my grades because I suck at history and I failed my biology test and I failed my car and I just fail at life and I-" you started feeling yourself breathing harder and warm tears fell down your face uncontrollably.

"Shhh shhh it's okay.." Jooheon embraced you in his chest and started to softly stroke your hair.
"Hey, we all have those days when nothing works out all day. I know you've been working hard in all of your classes, and that's all that matters. Grades don't define who you are baby. It can be disappointing to not get the result that you want, but there's always next time for you to try. Please don't beat yourself up about anything because I know everything will turn out well for you," he said in a soft tone.

You just continued to cry into his chest, letting out all of the stress you've been bottling up in the past days.
He gently rubbed your back to soothe you. You could feel the warmth and love just by his simple touches, and it meant more than the world to you. You just knew he was concerned for you and that he was really trying his best to make you feel better. You really, really needed that.

After minutes of crying, you finally came to a small sniffle. You looked up from Jooheon's chest into his eyes. He looked worried for you.

"Do you feel better, y/n?" he asked, still with a concerned look in his eyes.
"Much better than I was before... I'm so lucky to have a person like you by my side," you said quietly; your voice was hoarse from crying.
"Let's get you cleaned up and ready for bed. I'll stay with you tonight," he said as he picked you up bridal style.


Jooheon tucked you in bed and slid in next to you. He put his arm around you and you buried your face into him, taking in his sweet scent.

"Don't think about anything, just focus on getting your sleep y/n," he whispered, giving you a light kiss on your forehead.
You simply nodded, too tired from crying so much. You snuggled into him and he used his free hand to give you gentle, rhythmical pats on your shoulder. You could feel your breath steadying, and you got drowsier.

"I love you so much, y/n, and I hate seeing you stressed. Next time, don't keep it to yourself and please tell me about it all," he said.
"I promise Jooheon... I love you too," you replied.

He gave you a loving peck on your cheek and you both drifted off to sleep.

A/N: ok i'm stress writing and i wrote this one for me bc i actually had the worst day ever today. but i never know how to cope with my stress bc idk how to let it out. it's hard to explain but i always just end up covering myself with a blanket and crying until i sleep.
i just needed something like this so i could at least FEEL like someone made me feel better. i really wish i had someone that was there for me no matter what. whether it's a friend or family. if you're having a bad day and you just want to rant, i'm always here. please don't hesitate to message me or comment. you guys are too important to be stressing/depressed!

thanks for reading again !
forebebe ❤️

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