Kihyun (Smut) Naughty

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It's currently 10 PM, and you were out working way past your work time. Your eyes were drooping from overworking, and your back and neck ached like crazy.

You were almost done with the stack of work that your boss piled in front of you last minute when you heard your phone chime.

ki🐹❤️: baby are you almost done? you're out rly late & i'm worried about you ):

You smiled at your phone and started typing your reply.

y/n: i'm almost done❤️ i'll be home in like thirty minutes (:
ki🐹❤️: okay baby girl😍 i have something good prepared for you (;

You raised your eyebrow at the text but smiled to yourself at the idea of a surprise.

Your phone chimed again.

ki🐹❤️: for you babe 😉

You tapped on the attachment and saw a shirtless Kihyun with wet hair, biting his pink, plump lips.

You gulped and immediately hid your phone under your desk.

ki🐹❤️: you wanna see what's really nsfw? (;

You were in the middle of typing "i'll wait" when another message interrupted you.
You told yourself to not click on the picture, but your finger did otherwise.
Your eyes widened when you saw a picture of him standing in front of the mirror, nothing but a towel around his waist.

y/n: KIHYUN! i'm coming home right now. fuck work.
ki🐹❤️: aww don't do that to work. do it to me instead (;
y/n: you're so naughty kihyun ugh i'm coming straight home.

You hurriedly stacked your papers and ran to your boss.

"Ms. Lee, I have an emergency at home so I think I'm gonna have to leave work right now. I only have one file left over to arrange so is it okay if I finish it tomorrow?"

You nervously waited for her response as Ms. Lee gave you a skeptical look.

"You may. Just make sure you have those done by lunch tomorrow."
"I will make sure they're done way before lunch. Thank you so much!!"

You sprinted out of her office before you could even hear a response.
You ran to your car and hurriedly started the engine, immediately pressing on the pedal.

The longest drive of your life finally came to an end, and you hurriedly ran to you and Kihyun's house, frantically punching in the passcode.

You busted the door open, still panting from running so much.
You looked around the dark house, and your eyes landed on a ray of light coming from the bedroom.
You immediately marched over and busted open the door.

"Yoo Kihyun you are so dead! What am I supposed to do when you send me pictures like that at-"

You froze.
You saw Kihyun on the bed pleasing himself, too carried away to even hear what you were saying.
Your face flushed bright red, and you just shut the door, not knowing what to do.
You heard his moans stop, and footsteps came towards the door.

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