Chapter II

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Olivia opened her eyes slowly and groaned. Her head hurt from a hungover. She slowly got up and looked around. She was in an unknown cabin, her feet tied with chains. What on earth?

-Hello?-She asked. No one answered. -Hello?-She yelled louder.

Somebody opened the door.

-What do you want?-A man asked. There were three more behind him.

-Where am I? Who are you?-She asked.

-Alex, Thane, Ben, and Kai.-A familiar voice said.

She looked up and saw her sister on the top of the bunk bed. -They kidnapped us because Dad didn't pay their boss a huge amount of money, and we will be with these guys until the debt is paid. -She said calmly. -How are you feeling, by the way?-Thea asked.

-Headache. -Olivia simply said. What is this? Is this some sort of prank?

-Where are we?

-In a cabin far, far away from home, Olivia. -Thea said.

-How are you so calm?-Olivia asked surprised.

-Hey, they didn't beat us up, they don't let us starve, and we have a bed to sleep. Nature is beautiful. -She said nonchalantly, pointing to the food by her bed, and out the window.
-Besides, didn't you want hot men around you in a place where no girl will steal them from you?-Three of the men were surprised and grinning at her response, as the fourth had a stone-hard look, showing no emotion.

-Enough of the chitchat. -Thane said coolly.

-You are not allowed to run away, there is at least two hundred miles separating you from the city, and add about half of that, that is how many miles you are from home. -He said. -My name is Thane, Olivia, you met Alex; Kai is our "head", and this one is Ben. -He said.

-I want to go home!-Olivia cried out. -I will sue all four of you, and your boss too!-She yelled.

-Shut up, Olivia.-Thea said, rolling her eyes. -What are you going to sue them with, huh? They took our phones, anything to contact somebody with. And you can't get out, because you suck with geography; math, so your calculations will be wrong, and to add a cherry on top, you run slower than a turtle. -She said.

-I do not!-Olivia protested, as the guys tried to hide their smiles, except Kai, who still stood there cold, without any emotions. He looked at Thane.

-Well, it's nice that we getting along-He started.

-It's we're getting along, or we are getting along, idiot. What school did you go to?-Thea asked.

-Well, sorry for not being smart like you, Feisty.-He said.

-Apology accepted. -Thea said, smiling falsely.

Again, how is she so calm and cool about this? Olivia wondered, as the men whispered among themselves.

-Anyways, is there anything you need?-Ben asked.

-My backpack.-Thea said. Ben went out and brought it. He held it up, as if asking if this is the one. Thea nodded. -Thanks.-She said. Ben nodded.

-Do you talk?-She asked.

-A lot.-He said, smiling.

Thea stared at him, and then, she nodded.

-Eat your food.-Ben said. Olivia gave one bowl to Thea.

-What is this?-Olivia asked, gagging.

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