Not this again..

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"Not this again, cayde!" Yells the guardian as she fends off the oncoming fleet of fallen.

"Again?! What do you mean, again?! I haven't been caught by the fallen before!" He yells back in protest, with his pride a little hurt.

"Keep telling yourself that, buddy." She says with a chuckle just as she stabs a Fallen Captain in the head, taking him down in one blow, and the same to several oncoming vandals.

Cayde says nothing in return, but his jaw drops while watching her. He's seen her skills in battle a million times before, but occasionally, it still catches him off guard. He soon regains his normal train of thought, but then just watches, with the occasional comment. Like "Take that, dreg!" And "ooh.. that one hurt just looking at it".

It's not long before she has the whole room cleared, and holsters her weapons before walking to the terminal to the door holding cayde in. She lets her ghost hack the panel, and stands in front of the door with a smirk on her face.

"You owe me for this, you know."

"Yeah, yeah.. I know. And all of the other times you saved me too." He sighs.

"Yeah, except you already paid back one of them." She smiles.

"Really?? When did I do that??" He asks, very surprised.

"That one time you saved me from falling off the tower rails like an idiot.." she admits, although embarrassed to.

"Oh ho! So one less i have to repay! But, I remember that we were all being idiots that day, us and your friend. Remember? I kicked the soccer ball right into an oncoming ship!" He says happily, and smiles when he makes her laugh.

He does that a lot. Making her feel better when she's sad, angry, embarrassed, even on the rare occasion when she's scared. If she's upset and he's there, he's going to try an make it better.

"Yeah, well.. I guess it was 'let's all be an idiot' day. But hey, you've got one out of twenty paid back." She smiles and pushes his arm. "Come on, let's head back to the farm."

"Alright! Only nineteen to go!" He chuckles as she starts walking away. "Hey, wait up!" He runs after her.

They walk and talk for a little while, then just enjoy the scenery of the EDZ. They walk through an area with tall grass and purple flowers, also tall, green trees.

Her gaze gets lost up in the trees, admiring the green leaves and sunlight peering through them. Cayde, however, is watching her.

He always liked how much she loved a good view of nature and life alike. Even though she had no problem going through enemies, she always had this look of wonder while watching the wind blow, and people go about their business.

His gaze lowers to the purple flowers in the grass, and they give him an idea. He starts picking them oh so sneakily and hides them behind his back so she doesn't notice. Once they finally get back to her ship, he has a gigantic bouquet.

Just before they board the ship, he smiles and gives her the bouquet.

"I was wondering if this could serve as payment for you saving me today."

"Wh-when did you..?" She asks, blushing as she looks between him and the flowers, then smiles and takes them. "Yes, they sure can. Thank you, cayde. They're beautiful."

"My pleasure, ma'am." He says with a little bow, to be silly. "Shall we return to the farm?" He asks, offering his hand with a flourish, making her giggle.

"Yes we shall, good sir!" She giggles as they get on the ship, and head off to the farm.

Not this again... (A Cayde-6 love story) Where stories live. Discover now