Talking the day away.

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Just as Gwen finishes the ramen that she cooked for them, cayde comes back with a bag, and his beloved hen pal, colonel.

"Is that ramen I smell?" He asks excitedly, putting everything down, then walking over to her as she places their bowls on the table.

"It sure is! I know how much you love it, so i made some." She says happily, currently just wearing some pants and a tank top.

"You're the best!" He says and puts his hands on her waist, giving her a sweet little kiss.

"You know it." She teases cutely and returns his kiss before he eagerly sits down and starts to eat. She sits as well, eating a little calmer than him.

"This is amazing! How did you learn to make this?" He asks with his mouth full.

"I had a lot of down time occasionally at the tower, and one of the little food shops offered to teach me since i was there so much."

"So that's what you were doing there! I saw you but I didn't really want to interrupt." He admits.

"Well, what else would I do in a shop like that?"

"I don't know.. just talk, maybe?"

"You're not wrong." She giggles. "Hey, after we're done, would you do the dishes?" She asks him, batting her lashes as she leans closer to him.

"It doesn't look like I have much of a choice now." He smiles and chuckles happily before kissing her.

"You really don't." She giggles and kisses him back.

They finish eating, and as cayde cleans up, Gwen wanders over to the records and looks through them, trying to decide on which one to play next.

Cayde wanders over and wraps his arms around her, resting his chin on her shoulder and watches her flip through the records.

"Hey.. I have an odd question.." he says, with a somber tone.

"What is it, honey?" She asks sweetly, choosing a record finally.

"Why did you call me ace earlier today..?"

"Oh.. was that a bad thing to do? I've just seen all the aces on your stuff and thought I'd call you that.." she asks, very worried.

"It's not really bad.. I was just wondering.."

She turns and looks into his eyes, and looking at his face. It's pretty obvious the name is a touchy subject for him.

"It may not be bad.. but it's definitely bothering you.. and I can tell you don't want to talk about it.." she says, and he nods slowly. "I'll find something else to call you hon, and you can tell me whenever you're ready." She gives him a sweet smile, which he returns.

"Thank you for understanding so much, babe. You really are the best."

"I'm just looking out for ya." She smiles and kisses him softly, while he pulls her close, and backs up to the couch.

He picks her up, and sits on the couch with her in his lap, returning her kiss just as soft, yet passionate as they snuggle on the couch.

They slowly stop kissing, and she just adjusts his hood a little here and there, while he runs his fingers through her short, silky, bubblegum pink hair.

She starts to sing with a song playing from the record, smiling the whole time. He watches her lovingly. She hits a certain passionate note, and it makes his heart just melt. She's not the best singer in the world, but man, he'll never hear anyone better.

When the song ends, she blushes a little, and looks down.

"What's the matter, babe?" He asks her sweetly, gently lifting her chin.

"I've uh.. never really sang in front of anyone since my rebirth.. it's kinda bad.."

"I think your voice is beautiful. And if anyone says anything otherwise, I'll make them think otherwise." He smiles and winks cutely.

She smiles and giggles. "And that's one of the many reasons you're a keeper, cayde."

She pulls him into another kiss, then they shift and lay across the couch, with her on top of him, and a pink blanket across them. She nestles her face in the bend of his neck, and he just continues to play with her hair. They both end up occasionally singing with different songs, until they finally just doze off, bathing in the warm sunlight coming through the open window and enjoying eachother's sweet company.

Not this again... (A Cayde-6 love story) Where stories live. Discover now