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Snow is falling gently from the sky, landing on every surface under the bright sky. Including Gwen's bubblegum pink hair that's been curled nicely, and the new Vanguard badge on her armor. Dawning and Christmas music is playing from the speakers all about the tower, and people are happily walking about.

Today is the day. The Dawning festival. The day she's been dreading, and looking forward to. She's already given cookies to all her friends, except one.

She happily walks up behind Zavala as he watches the city below in his usual spot. She taps him on the shoulder and gives him his cookies, which he takes with a smile and a nod.

"Hey.. Zavala? Mind if I have this spot to my own for a bit?" She asks him sweetly with a half-hearted smile.

"Yes, Of course." He says and walks away while starting on that box of cookies.

Gwen sighs and leans against the railing, looking up at the Traveler as she takes out ace. She looks at the gun, happy to finally be reunited with her once more, then shows it to the Traveler.

"I did it. I got ace back, fixed her, defeated Uldren and his barons, saving the day once again. I'm now part of your Vanguard, too... and man, the things I've done for you and your people... I... I feel like a little moment of true happiness wasn't enough for all this suffering." She inspects ace, it being the only thing left of Cayde that she has.

"I've heard that you can pull off miracles... and that dawning is a wonderful time for them. So... if you wanted to give me just one little miracle... just one... now would be a wonderful time. Because, you know... dawning is no time to be alone." She admits sadly, then just watches the traveler hover there, doing nothing.

She hangs her head, and starts to cry.

"Sorry, it was a stupid request. I just.. I don't know. Forget about it." She says, and collects herself. Just as she stands back up, she hears all the people scream behind her.

She instantly turns around and aims ace, ready to take out whatever horror has decided to sneak up on her. But instead, ace falls out of her hands and lands with a clatter.

"C-Cayde..?" She stutters, now shaking as she watches the exo walk closer, opening his arms to her.

"I sure hope so." He says with a smile.

She runs as fast as she can to him, and pulls him into the biggest, tightest hug she's ever given. He clings to her as she buries her face in his neck, sobbing hysterically, but happily. He smiles, also crying as he gently cradles her head in one hand while the other holds her. Neither of them plan on letting go anytime soon.

Bob and Sundance appear from their Guardians, happily spinning around, unable to believe it either.

"I promised I wouldn't leave you." He says quietly to her and gently sways with her to the distant music.

"Never do that again, okay?" She mumbles, muffled by his hood and her crying.

"I won't. I just.. actually, I won't even try to explain." He says with a little chuckle as she finally looks up at him.

"You can explain all you want, baby. But... how? How are you back? I just.. I can't figure it out." She says with a chuckle mixed with a sob.

"I guess the Traveler said I wasn't done yet. Sundance said that he repaired her so she could bring me back."

"Good enough for me." She smiles and pulls him into a big kiss, and the whole crowd cheers. After a moment, she pulls away with the most loving smile.

"Woah, is that new lipstick? Red looks good on you." He says, smiling a little stupidly, but endearing all the same.

"Yes, but it's only for the holiday. And it looks good on you too, handsome." She giggles and points to the red that transferred onto his lips from hers.

Not this again... (A Cayde-6 love story) Where stories live. Discover now