Somebody toooo loooovveee

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Weeks flew by with Cayde and Gwen living happily in the tower together. When she went on missions, you could probably find cayde in the hanger talking with holiday, or, god knows where. But when she's home, they're inseparable. Most likely relaxing in their apartment or hanging with the rest of the vanguard.

Cayde doesn't really leave the tower anymore, because the people need their vanguard. Also he's pretty good at cheering up people. So, that's really handy.

During all of this free time he now has, he's planned a big surprise for his girlfriend. A BIG surprise. And she's going to love it!

With a little help from Holliday (to get the hanger space), and a lot of help from Ikora (decorations, lighting, and music), the three of them turned the hanger into an amazing party palace! Complete with a stage, food, drinks, confetti. He's gone all out.

Why such a big party, you may ask. Well.. it's about time he asks Gwen something. What, you'll have to read and find out.

Before he knew it, it was time for Gwen to come home. Good thing bob sent him a reminder that they were headed home, or Cayde would have forgot completely (the time, that is).

He leaves Ikora and Holliday to finish decorating, and rushes topside to Tess, grabbing a small box and stowing it before greeting Gwen, who walks up behind him.

"Hey babe, whatcha up to?" She asks cutely, peeking around his shoulder. He quickly spins around, smiling.

"Oh, that? nothing. It's nothing." He chuckles nervously, and if ghosts could facepalm, you can bet his would right now.

"Nothing? Are you sure it's nothing?" She asks, looking around him to try and see if it's on him.

"Why can't you just believe me?"

"Because, I know how you work. But, I'll let it slide. I don't want to spoil whatever this 'nothing' is." She smiles and gives him a peck on the cheek. "How was your day?"

"Oh you know, boring as usual. Amanda finished a pretty wicked ship though." He says, but it's painfully obvious he's lying.

"Uh-huh... well, I'm going to go freshen up.. I got showered with cabal oil earlier. Not fun." She says and kisses him, then starts walking off to the apartment.

He nods and watches her walk away, lost in thought. She almost gets out of sight when he remembers he's supposed to keep an eye on her and bring her to the party.

"Hey, hon! Wait up!" He runs after her, and is a little out of breath when he catches up to her. "God I need to work out.."

"Nah, you're good." She giggles, and opens the door to their apartment. "Just need to run a little more. You've been resting too long.."

"I agree on that one.." he pauses and watches her as she takes off her weapons and sets them in the basket that they set up just for that. "Hey  babe?"

"Yes Cayde?" She smiles and gently holds onto the doorway to their room.

"Do you wanna go out tonight? Like, go out and dance?  Like you always wanted to? Dress and all?" He smiles and holds up a keycard. "Holliday gave us a space in the hanger.."

"Really? I would love to! But... I don't have any dresses.." she looks down at the floor.

"You do now!" He says happily and tosses her a pink engram, which she catches.

Not this again... (A Cayde-6 love story) Where stories live. Discover now