At last

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The sunny day turned into a gentle stormy night. In fact, the distant rumble of thunder is what woke these two sleepyheads up. Of course, with a start. Gwen sits up suddenly, and accidentally slips off of the couch with a thud.

That's actually what woke cayde. He panics and quickly checks on her.

"Honeybear, are you okay?" He asks her, worried as he holds her hand.

"Im fine, babe." She says in a sweetly reassuring tone, placing his hand on her cheek. "Sorry I scared you, the thunder just woke me up."

"That's alright, girly." He smiles and kisses the top of her head, then just watches her, wondering how he could be so lucky to have a gal like her.

Meanwhile, she's looking out the window at the weather.

"I think maybe we should go to bed for tonight.. although I'm not tired because how much we napped." She giggles and looks back to him.

"Well, I'd be happy to lay there and snuggle you all night long, sleep or no sleep! So, my lady, what will it be?"

"Snuggles I guess, my ghost normally sleeps with me so I don't want to be rude.. and do more than snuggling.. if you know what I mean."

"I think I can do that, as long as you don't tease me." He jokes with a smile, helping her stand with him.

"Hopefully I can do that." She giggles. "Would your ghost like a bed too?

"Wait, your ghost has a bed? Honestly, I shouldn't be surprised on that one."

"Of course he does! And you really shouldn't. I'm the one who wanted to take home one of those hive larva things.." she admits, blushing.

"Why didn't you? We could have raised it! Have our own hive-guy!" He says excitedly.

"Um.. what's the chance of it not just being pre-programmed or whatever with how the hive thinks?"

"Oh.. right. Well, hypothetically, that would have been awesome!" He says happily, and she giggles.

"Yes, it would have. Anyway, back to the topic. Bed?" She asks with a smile, climbing up to the loft.

"Oh, yeah! A bed for my ghost, and colonel would be perfect." He smiles and leans up against the steps, watching her up in the loft, moving around.

"Gotcha. Everything will be ready in a minute!" Gwen says happily.

"Okay honey bun." He smiles and goes silent, in thought. He climbs up and sits on the ledge, then sighs, not knowing what her reaction will be. "Hey.. have you heard that zavala and ikora want us four to move back to the tower?"

"No.. wait, my room is back?"

"No.. but we made you a new one. And actually, it's big enough for two." He says sweetly with a smile, hoping that will cheer her up.

"Well, as long as I get to come here when I want, I have no complaints. I miss the tower." She smiles and moves over to him, and he greets her sweet presence with a kiss.

"There's only one problem, I probably won't be able to go kill things as much with you." He admits with a disappointed tone.

"Aw, babe.. I'm sorry. But hey, we'll still be together, and I'll bring you anything cool I find if you want!" She says cheerily, and he smiles, feeling a little better about it now.

"That would be awesome, babe. And I know it's soon, but we'll be moving in tomorrow. Or at least that's what zavala told me."

"We'll get packed up in the morning then! And you can bring colonel. I've always wanted a bird as a pet."

"Okay, and I might bring her, I might not.. I don't want to take her from the farm, she's so happy here." He says, but really wanting to bring her.

"Well.. if you don't bring her, she'll always be here waiting for you." She says with a smile as the hen makes it up the steps and gets comfortable on the little bed Gwen made for her.

He smiles and pulls Gwen into a big hug.

"Just like I'll always be waiting for you to come home to the tower." He says just before kissing her.

"And I'll always come back to you." She says lovingly and returns his kiss, snuggling up to him.

After a little more chatting, they cuddle up in the bed, and let their ghosts get in their beds as well. They then just snuggle and look into eachothers eyes before falling asleep, and the whole time, Gwen just thinks about how a few nights ago, she was in this very bed wishing that he could be here with her. This was the best thing that could happen in her opinion. No more lonely nights, and another guardian to look out for her while she sleeps. Perfect.

They sleep the stormy night away, peacefully and happily. What a way to start the new golden era.

Not this again... (A Cayde-6 love story) Where stories live. Discover now