Time to think..

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Hours later after talking with holliday, the pink-haired guardian walks home to the house her, the vanguard, and holliday fixed up on the farm. They were kind to help her actually have a home instead of just the ship, or a random chair in the barn. 

She sets her flowers in the center of the little table in the middle of the bottom floor. Here, there's only the bathroom, kitchen, dining table, and a couch. Her bed is up on a loft, with two shutter-style windows and torn sheer curtains. She sits on her bed, close to the window, and lets her ghost settle into his pillow.

"Goodnight, bob." She says sweetly to him. "Sweet dreams."

"Goodnight, guardian. Don't stay up too late.." he says as he drifts into sleep mode.

"No promises.." she whispers to herself, then looks out the window, watching the moon and stars.

Today with cayde was so different than normal, but also the same.. they've grown closer over the years.. but she never thought she would feel like she does now. She longs to see him again, to stay by his side.. in his arms, even.. hear his laugh, share stories. She even wondered if it would be easier to sleep with him around.. it always was when they were on missions together and he stayed up to guard her...

Does this mean.. she's falling in love with him? Surely not.. they're just friends..

But then again, she did just think of staying in his arms. Thinking of being in love with him brings up other questions she never thought of before. What is it like to kiss an exo? Do they have.. no, not going there tonight. Does he like her back? Well.. hopefully he does with how things went earlier..

She sighs deeply and looks down at the flowers on the table. No matter what happened today, she decided that tomorrow was going to be another day with him. Maybe she'll be able to find the answer to all her questions..

She yawns and lays down, pulling the blankets tight around her, and humming as she slowly drifts off to sleep as well.

Meanwhile, cayde is sitting in the highest level of the barn, watching over her house in the distance, and sees the lights go out in the house.

"Goodnight guardian,  hope you have some good dreams for once.. see you tomorrow." He says, then hops down, and goes to find something to do until he can fall asleep too.

Not this again... (A Cayde-6 love story) Where stories live. Discover now