Tower sweet tower

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The next morning was spent packing away, and making sure colonel is safe and happy at the farm without her exo friend.

Despite the tower being only about a thirty minute flight away, it took them about an hour to get there, because of an emergency pit-stop to stop one of the fallen's glimmer drills (and of course, grab some to pay for the new decorations).

Once they finally got to the new apartment, cayde opens the door for his lovely girl with a flourish, then gestures inside.

"Welcome home, guardian." He says lovingly and happily.

She walks in after him, and looks around in awe. Everything is very modern, but has a lot of house plants, and pink, wherever they could manage. There's even a little table in the living area that is just for her record player, and a gift on the kitchen counter from Tess.

"Woah... they sure got it right in here! It feels like home already.." she smiles and sets down her box of stuff on the couch, then walks over and starts to read the note by the gift.

Cayde, on the other hand, sneaks off to the bedroom and puts his things back. grabbing a box from under the bed while there, and bringing it back to her.

"What's this?" Gwen asks with a loving smile, taking the gift.

"Just a little something that we found while rebuilding.. I think you'll like it." He says with a smile, but that smile has some tears behind it. Seeing his pain, she pulls down his hood and gives him a big kiss.

"I know I'll love it. You guys are always so thoughtful."

"Come on then cutie, open it for- uh.. me." He says with an awkward grin, knowing she would have kicked his ass if he said what he was going to say.

She smiles and looks at him curiously, then opens the little pink box. Inside lays two little photos. One, of Gwen and Cayde making silly faces while Ikora smiles, and Zavala facepalms. The other, is just her and Cayde. She's blowing a kiss to the camera (bob) and Cayde is smiling the happiest smile he had in a long time at the time of this picture. The edges are a little burnt, but everything else is fine.

"H-how.. how did you get these? These were from my first day here.. I thought they burned with the apartment.. mine was blown to smithereens.." she explains, smiling, but with tears in her eyes as she looks up to him.

"Apparently not everything burned.. we found these in the street during the retaking of the tower. Zavala handed them to me, we both knew they should go back to you if we all made it out of there alive." He admits, and fixes her hair.

"I don't want to sound rude.. but why give them back now?" She asks, setting them down so she can hold his hand. "Why not sooner?"

"I wanted to wait until you were back here.. after all, it's kinda where they belong." He says with a little chuckle. "Like us."

She smiles and gives him a deep, loving kiss.

"Just like us. Now.. let's get unpacking!"

"Yeah, let's. Then lunch?"he asks with a smile.

"Let me guess, the usual ramen place?" She smirks.

"Of course. You know me too well" he chuckles.

They unpack their few things they brought from the farm, and Gwen puts the photos up on the new (and pink) fridge. She admires them for a minute, remembering that wonderful and chaotic day.

She gives a happy sigh, then sets up her record player, and the new giant dart board that Tess gave them to throw their knives at for practice, and of course, competition.

After they're done getting unpacked, they head out towards Cayde's favorite ramen shop. It's been a long time since either of them had food from this place, and honestly, it was hard to wait any longer. But of course, they waited patiently and chatted to distract from their growling stomachs.

An hour later, they finally leave the shop, then Gwen takes Cayde's hand with a big smile, and leads him to a secluded rooftop overlooking the city.

"I noticed this little spot during our flight in earlier." She smiles and leans against him. "It's so beautiful. Such a wonderful place to call home."

"I completely agree. It's the best city I've ever seen.. but, the view isn't what makes this home." He points out, gently pulling her closer by a hand on her hip.

"What is it? The vanguard? The sense of belonging?" She asks him curiously, looking up into his glowing eyes.

"Yes, but most of all.. you." He fixes a stray pink hair on her head, with a loving smile.

"You're my home too, you adorable idiot." She smiles and pulls him into a passionate kiss, as her ghost gives an annoyed groan.

"Can't you two go two seconds without making out?" Bob asks, but it doesn't stop them.

"Oh stop it, I think it's adorable!" Says Cayde's ghost happily. "You have to admit, we have both been waiting for this forever."

"Yeah, good point.. I just didn't expect this much kissing.. and.. ew.." Bob says as Cayde's ghost just laughs.

Cue 'dramatic movie zoom out' of the kiss. Also one random guardian in the background accidentally falling off the tower. Perfect!

Not this again... (A Cayde-6 love story) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora