The Caches.

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Alright, so here we go. One last insane adventure for the love of her life. Hopefully, she knows him well enough to know where he hid the darn things.

First off, the one on Nessus.

When she lands, she instantly pulls out her sparrow and follows the beaten path. She rides for a while, admiring the scenery.

"Now, if I were a crazy exo with a hot girlfriend and a death wish, where would I hide a cache?" She asks herself, looking around.

"Probably in the most dangerous and out of the way places." She answers, then gasps.

"I know just where to look!" She floors the gas on her sparrow, and Bob sighs.

"I have a bad feeling about this." He admits as they speed past many a rock and tree.

"Relax, If Cayde can handle it, so can we." She says confidently.

Once again, Gwen was right. Cayde managed to hide his caches in the most dangerous and hard to reach places. She would never tell anyone how many times she fell trying to reach the one on Io, or the one on Nessus. The worst part of all of this? Realizing how much she's passed them all over all this time. Just slightly out of sight, of course.

Her favorite part of finding each of these smaller-mostly empty- caches was the little noted he left for himself. The one she loved the most, which even got an "Oh Cayde," out of her, was the one that said: "Hey, handsome. Did you forget we moved our stuff again? Don't worry. I know you have a lot on your mind. Love, Cayde-6."

The notes alone were amazing to her, to read words of his that she never heard, as if he was telling her now. But... she would never expect what lies ahead.

All of the caches point to what she thought to be one big collection of them. If the parts for ace were anywhere, it would be there for sure. So, off to Titan they go.

The further they ventured to this stash, the more questions Gwen had. Why would he have so many stashes hidden across the system? Why then put them all in one place? What was so important that he needed to hide? More like, what would he need to hide from her...?

As they go further down into a horrible and dark Hive-ridden area, Gwen has even more questions, but they're fleeting. She fights her way through some nearby hive, activates of the caches.

"Alrighty babe, let's see what you hid." She says with a smile, and unlocks the crate. Suddenly Cayde's voice plays from the cache, by means of a pre-recorded message.

She was startled by the sudden voice, so she jumped a little. But once she heard him, she looked at the crate and fell to her knees in tears. Through this whole adventure, all She wanted was to hear his sweet, charming voice again. She was so emotional, she didn't even bother to comprehend what he was saying. She heard eris' name, but that's about it.

As the message comes to an end, she gathers herself and stands back up. There's other cashes in here, which means more recordings. She needed to hear them, more than anything else. Forget about the parts, or any loot. She needed to hear what he had to say.

She moves on to the next one, struggling a little to find it. So much so, Bob had to look for it as well. As soon as they find it, she quickly opens it, and is greeted with another message.

She listens close this time, and realizes they're messages meant for the one who kills him and gets his stuff. She knew he was a true hunter through and through, but she questioned and admired the chaotic dedication of making so many separate messages.

She couldn't quite figure out who he could possibly be talking about in this recording. But it sure sounds like they had it out for eachother... and she even thought about becoming that Guardian he talked about, the one who would come along and kill this guy, but it seemed kinda worthless if he couldn't see it.

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