Please Come Home for Dawning

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Gwen walked all the way back to The Spider's cave, feeling so defeated and distracted that she didn't trust herself to drive her sparrow. They both stayed silent the whole time, even when The Spider was telling them about the Barons, where they were hiding, and what they needed to look out for. After getting all the information, Petra stopped them on their way out.

"Look.. I know it's hard to.. but you should take a break. Regroup. Go patch up your armor.. get some good food. No offense, but you look terrible." She says, and Gwen nods. She really did look horrible. She doesn't even know how much time has passed since Cayde..

"Go home, Guardian. I'm sure you have people waiting to make sure you're okay. We don't need to lose another good fighter." She hugs Gwen, then lets her go.

She decided to take Petra's advice and stop by the tower. She did have many messages from everyone, after all..


After a silent ride, Gwen appears on the courtyard of the tower. She takes a step, but then stops, looking around. There are twinkling lights hanging from the banners and poles, snow all over the ground, and lanterns floating through the air. She forgot that The Dawning festival had started.. what a time, huh?

"Guardian! Over here." Calls a familiar, raspy voice. She drags herself over to Banshee-44's shop, every step feeling like her boots are made of lead. Banshee places a hand on her arm, and looks at her sadly. "I know it's hard. Cayde was a good man. Truly one of the best."

"He was... I just wish I could have helped. I already miss him so much... if he just would have had me with him." she says, trying not to tear up.

"You might have died too. Don't do that to yourself. He wouldn't want you to beat yourself up over that. In Fact, if he wasn't such a true hunter.. he would have made sure you had your hands on the Ace." He lets go of her arm, and uses it to hold himself up on the table as he shakes his head. "We have to get it back... it belongs in your hands, not that greasy-"

"I know, Banshee.. I know." She says and looks at her pendant. "Honestly I feel like if he had the choice, he would have given it to me. but Uldron took it and..." she trails off, remembering the exact moment she heard the gunshot that ended Cayde-6.

"Hey.. Guardian.. take a deep breath." He says, and she snaps out of her trance. "Just relax for now." He says as softly as he can, and she just nods slowly.

"I'll get it back, banshee. I promise." She says, then gives him a hug. "We'll be okay.. all of us.. one way or another." She tells him, and he nods, then does something close to a smile, which is rare for him. She tells him goodbye, then walks over to Tess.

"Hello guardian." She says softly and sweetly. "I heard what happened... I'm so sorry. I really am. " She rushes out from behind her desk, grabbing a small box as she goes. "Here, take this. I'm not sure if it will help-" she says, and Gwen just shakes her head.

"You don't need to give me anything tess. I know it's dawning, but you don't have to." She says, and tess hands it to her anyway.

"It's from Cayde." Tess says quietly. Gwens eyes widen, and fill with tears as she stares at the small box. "It's your dawning gift from him... I was going to wait until the festival to give it to you, but you look like you need it now."

Gwen slowly takes the box, not looking away from it for a moment. On top of the box is a note hand-written by Cayde. It reads 'No touchy until the festival, baby! - Love, Cayde.' She starts breaking down into tears, and tess pulls her into a big hug. She tries to find words to cheer her up, but she can't find a single one. After a few minutes of sobbing, Gwen looks up.

Not this again... (A Cayde-6 love story) Where stories live. Discover now