Chapter 1

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Helper in sight:

As the Ewo youths dragged Efua to the village square and tied her to the ootu tree where defaulters are usually stoned to death. Efua pleaded for mercy. She never knew that her miserable life would come to an end so soon. She just stood there begging for mercy but no one seem to hear her plea for mercy. As Efua grew weaker, she thought the best thing to do was to pray for God's pardon for any sin she might have committed. 'o lord please forgive me. You search the heart and you know me. Please show thy merciful face once more I beg of thee'. Efua prayed as she shut her eyes tightly. 'stop all of you' a man stepped forward and looked around the angry crowd 'you have to stop jungle justice. What has she done that you have to take her life in return in this shameful way?'who invited you here Mr. Oyinbo Odion, the youths president asked the stranger rudely. "Who made you a judge over us by the way". Ede added. "do you know what she did? Omorebun questioned the man, sizing the man with his eyes. "I don't care whatever she must have done. Allow the law to take it due process, on this note I demand that you untie her immediately". All the youths laughed at the stranger. 'what makes you think that we are going to obey you. You are not above our laws and custom'. Idialu said. I will make you obey me in

station guy.' Said the stranger as he brought out his cell phone and dialed a number. 'Yes inspector sir, could you please send me some of your boys? Yes, I am at the village square. No I have not gone yet I ran into a group of youth on the mission of carrying out jungle justice... Okay thanks, I will be waiting'. Upon hearing the conversation of the stranger, the youths fled for their lives. When the police arrived they joined the stranger to loosen Efua who at this time could neither talk nor see properly as blood covered her whole face. The stranger took Efua in his car and took her to his house where the stranger took care of her.

' Jewel, has she woken up yet?' Dr. Osaremen asked his wife. 'no dearie, she is still fast asleep, but dearie what are we going to do about her when she wakes? I mean we do not know anything about her or why the youths of her village were about to take her life. Barr. Omoye said to her husband 'How about we keep her since the police is already aware and I have written down my statement as well. She could be of great help to in the house, and she is about the same age with our children and could........ 'never, not while I am still in this house Osas, no, I won't let that happen. How can we let that low life bastard who I know nothing about into our home? A girl whom you just rescued from her very own people. How am I sure she is not a witch. Perhaps that's why her own people wanted to get rid of her and you, the good Samaritan of our day, the Nigerian superman decided to be the hero of the day barr. omoye blurted as she left the living room to their bedroom. Dr. Osas was stunned. This is the very reason why people feels that he is a weakling when it comes to matters which involves his wife, yet everything ventrally involves her since he has promised himself never to hide anything from her. This is not because he fears her but because he has come to love and see her as his other self, his companion and friend. Dr. Osas left the living room to join his wife. Look omoye, all am saying is that we could actually be the only help this girl might have now. Please Jewel. Omoye looks sternly at her husband, 'if she must stay, then as nothing but a maid'. But Jewel.... 'No buts Osas. That's the best I can offer.

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Sir, the young girl is awake, should I serve her food now or later sir?akpan the house help asked his boss. later, akpan I will go and see her immediately Dr. Osas said as he got up and walked up to the room the young girl was, he knocked at the door and waited for response but instead the door opened slowly and there stood the young stranger. For some unknown reasons, Dr. Osas' spirit seems to accept the young girl. He feels she could have been his daughter, well, will soon be because he has made up his mind to adopt her, so he was going to have to convince Omoye that they have to keep this young girl. Good afternoon sir, Efua's greetings brought Dr. Osas back from his world of thoughts to the room. Yes my dear, how are you feeling now? Dr. Osas examined the young stranger. What is your name, who are you and why were those people about to kill you? Dr. Osas asked as he watched Efua's eyes clouded with tears. Please don't cry my dear. If you don't feel like sharing now no problem, I understand that you are stilled traumatized. Dr. Osas watched as a tear rolls down her little tender cheek. Dr. Osas felt a sharp painat his side as he watched Efua's silent tears. He pulled her into a bear hug and led her to the sofa where he made her to sit. Just rest my dear I will go and tell Akpan to bring your food. Dr. Osas turned to go but stopped abruptly as he heard Efua spoke.

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