Chapter 11

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Osas, my son cannot continue to stay behind bars while I pretend that all is well! It's been a week for goodness sake!

Omoye, I forbid you from getting involved in this case. For Christ sake give that boy more time to learn his lesson so that when next he sees any white substance even if it's ordinary powder, he would run from it! Osas yelled at his wife.

What lesson Osas? What lesson? For a week my son has been locked up and you won't let me help him out?

Our son needs me right now! Your only son. Osas please. Omoye pleaded.

My son has learnt his lesson. What more do you want? Do you want him to die there before you allow me to do something?

Osas ignored his wife.

Why am I even waiting for your permission? Am going to bail my son whether you like it or not.

Omoye collected the car key and matched out of the room.

When she got to the station, she asked to see her son.

So you came anyway?

Good morning to you too son!
So you've lost your manners this much?

Good morning mum. Efeosa greeted under his breath.

Son, how are you? Omoye asked even though she could tell how Efeosa is because of the injuries he sustained from the cell. He has lost weight a little also and appears really rough and dirty.

How am I suppose to be in a jail mum? Why does dad hate me this much?

Your dad does not hate yo...

Then why am I still here mum? Efeosa cuts in sharply. You and dad have the power and money to bail me out but yet you heartlessly kept me here!

Your dad and I only want you to learn some lessons and...

Lessons? When did station become a classroom mum?

Omoye smiled sadly. 'Efeosa my son, is not all lessons that are taught and learnt in the classrooms. Life itself is a lesson. The experiences of our daily living, even that of others, our success stories as well as that of our failures are all lessons that aren't learnt in any classroom of the world. Am sorry I didn't teach you how to identify these lessons at an early stage of your life. I only hope it's not too late.. Omoye said as she began to sob.

Mum please stop all these drama queen moves and bail me out! I can't stay here any further. I will beg if that's what you want. You know I never begs right? I'll just do it if that's what you want mum!

I don't need you to beg son. I only want you to promise me that you won't go back to drugs again. Omoye said pleadingly

Is that all I need to do for my freedom? Fine mum! I promise.

Oh! thank you son.

Efeosa might be a wayward child but he never jokes with promises. Right from childhood he got that rule for himself. Omoye was elated.

Just wait a little more so that I can begin your bailing process.


Osas POV

It's been a month now since Efeosa was released from jail. Omoye did assure me that our son no longer takes drugs, but that is difficult to believe. His chain of friends wouldn't let you believe even if you wanted to. He keeps late nights clubbing and womanizing. He claims that he's a man. Osas laughs at his son's ignorance. How will a boy like him ever grow into a man? All these characteristics are for boys not man's!

The only thing that made me believe that Efeosa has stopped drugs was because his mother said he promised to.

Efeosa never goes back on his word. I know that much about him.

I wanted Efua to help me as she did with my friend's children, Pearl and Temmy, but I don't know how to go about it. Their hatred for Efua cannot be compared with their mother's! They were more ruthless. Efeosa doesn't even want to see Efua for any reason. Ese the same thing. She felt Efua has taken all my love for her as I call Efua princess just as I do call her when she does something right. Efeosa, Omoye and Ese truly despised Efua. This is the only reason l can't ask Efua to help me train my children on some lessons of life. Maybe from her experiences, but I can't my hands are tied.

I love my children and I want the best for them. Who will take over our company when we are gone? It's true that we gave our children a good education abroad but we failed to give them the best education which is good morals and home training. Omoye is beginning to develop high blood pressure and my strength is failing me. The more I try to correct them the more they saw me as an enemy who hates them so much and doesn't want them to enjoy life.

Efua though not my biological daughter, is my only consolation and joy that am not a total failure in parenting. I spent most of my time with her even though Omoye read meaning to it and even threatened to file for a divorce. That's one thing I cannot do. Divorce my wife. She has no where to go, if I ever did. Moreover we built all we have now together.

Osas jumped when someone touched his shoulder. He was sitting on a chair close to the window. He turned and saw Efua.

Dad what's the matter again? I have been here for some minutes now.

Nothing princess.

Dad now lies. Efua said with a laugh.

Alright l was just thinking about life.

Well, you sent for me about an hour ago but Mr Efeosa asked me to prepare a room for his guest who would be coming tomorrow.

Is alright. I wanted to tell you that you will began your NYSC soonest, let's say in a week time. I informed Efua plainly without any excitement. This surprised her a little.

I stood up and went to where Efua was standing. I stood in front of her and cupping her face with my hands l looked straight into her eyes and asked 'Efua, if it ever happens that you're the only one in the world who can help me and yet it will cost you a lot of discomfort would you do it for me?

Of course dad! As long as it it's morally right and won't kill me. Efua laughs.

Of course! I don't want to lose you for anything in the world dad said

Really? Omoye said as she stares at her husband and Efua whose face was cupped with Osas hand, with total disgust.

Osas, you and Efua in our room? Unbelievable! She said as she storms out of the room.

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