Chapter 2

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my story:

My name is Efua and I am fifteen years old. A native of Atto though born and breed up in Ewo, which is my maternal grandmother's village. Atto and Ewo are neighbouring villages as it is believed that the two villages were brothers on a journey in search of a place to settle down.

The first brother was called Atto while the second was Ewo by name. Atto got to a certain place and told his brother that he was tired and could not go further. So he settled along with his family there, so that place was named after him.

Ewo on the other hand decided to move further and equally settled there, thus that place was named after him as well. Atto and Ewo are both villages in Edo State Nigeria and are both known to be peace loving people.

I lived with my grandmother in Ewo which is her village. She was the only relative I had. According to her my father died in an auto crash on his way to Ewo to see his wife Amenawon who had come to the village to give birth to me, under the watchful eye of her beloved mother since it was her first time, but however the rest of the story remains a tragedy that can never be forgotten.

A flash back

How would God allow this to happen to me? God where are you? Aren't you going to do something? Amenawon wept hysterically. This can't be true. Where do I begin from if you go? What will become of our child?

'you will do well without me my love. I will however be close to you at all times' Ehis replied sadly.

'But...' Amenawo protested.

'No buts my love, no buts. I have to go, I am already running late. Take good care of our child and don't ever forget how much I love you Ehis muttered as he turned towards the door of the room to an unknown destination.

Amen wept out her eyes begging with all she had but her plea fell on deaf ears. Accepting her defeat she said determinedly

'I do not know where you are going, but I swear that I will find you and when I do, I shall never let you out of my sight ever again'. Amen said wiping  her tears with the back of her hands.

'so be it then'. Ehis replied without looking back he stormed out of the room.

Amen screamed as she jumped up from the sofa. 'oh my God what kind of a dream was that? Where was Ehis going to? Amen got up to join her mother in the kitchen with an empty glass.

'Amen, why didn't you call me to remove the glass?You didn't have to stress yourself my dear, here, give me that. Nene Amen said as she stretched out her hand to collect the empty glass from her daughter.

'ha Nene, I shall tell my husband when he comes how you have spoilt me with so much love and care'. Amen said shyly as she stretched out her hand with the glass cup towards Nene but all of a sudden, the glass fell and broke into countless pieces.

'o! no! Nene, I'm so sorry but I really can't say what happened' Amen apologized to her mother.

'No child, I hope you are not injured'. Nene asked as she examine her daughter closely.

'no Nene I'm fine'.

'come and sit here while I sweep the floor.

Amen watched her caring mother with so much love and admiration.

'you know what Nene, My child is lucky to have my loving mother as her grandma, Amen said looking down on her big belly as she caress it lovingly. She stopped abruptly and looked up at her mother worriedly.

'what is that look on your face Amen? Did I say or do anything wrong my child?'

'Ha! no Nene!

'then what is it? You look worried. Talk to me child? Nene Amen inquired, placing a hand on her daughter's shoulder.

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