Chapter 8

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***** At the University ** *****

Please excuse me, do you have any idea where the library is?

Yes, am actually on my way there. You can come along if you want.

Oh thanks so much.

So, you are new huh?

Efua was lost in her thoughts as she stared at the guy in front of her. He is tall, dark in complexion, seems like the brain but shy kind of person. One could actually spend the whole day listening to him while he speaks as his ascent is best described as a melody.


Yes please. Ahmmmm what did you say?

Never mind.

We both walked to the library in awkward silence.

He was indeed the quiet type.

Here we are.

Thanks so much. Efua offered him a hand shake. I am Efua.

Instead of taking the hand he looked at his wrist watch and said gatto go. Have a nice day.

Before Efua could ask him his name he was gone.

Efua was so angry. He is such a snob. What was I thinking anyway, he is supper handsome and looks sophisticated.

And me am even dressed like Ekaete goes to school.

Efua looks at herself and laughs. I am just the female version of Joseph the dreamer to have thought that such a guy would look my way.

Hey Efua concentrate don’t be distracted. University is a world of it own. Be wise I believe in you.

It was daddy’s voice resounding in my head.

I had better wake up and do that which brought me to the library.....


Who the hell do you think you are to have kept me waiting?

You spent almost eternity and you know I have a party to catch.

Pearl fired at me as I stepped into our apartment.

Am so sorry, I actually lost my way.

Who cares? She asked

as she walked towards the exit door of our apartment in her mini and over revealing short gown.

She stopped at the door and added rudely 'don't expect me tonight'. With that she was gone.

I took a deep breath of relief. At least I would be able to study tonight since she's out.

Pearl is my flatmate and supposedly friend though she seldom sees me as one.

She is an only daughter of a very wealthy business tycoon in the country who happens to be dad's friend.

She was suppose to study outside the country with her brother, but since they were growing wild and naughtier by the day, their father forced them to study here at least to humble them a little but they only saw it as a wicked act from their father whom they despised so much and I wonder why?

Apart from teaching them humility, something else happened of which she refused to share. That's okay by me though, as long as we live in peace.

To me Pearl and her brother has all they ever needed, but  she always argues that with me. Claiming that there is so much more than having what one wants rather than what one truly  needs.

'Sometimes, I wish my parents were poor because it seems to me that the poor always have time for their children, but most rich ones don't!

All my life it has been from one nanny to another. A nanny thought me how to walk, talk, etc. I long for my dad's time and not money.... Money is good but it can never satisfy certain things.

Peal is a nice fellow but very full of herself. We are only friends within the flat because outside the flat, am too local for her to walk with. Most of her billionaire friends refers to me as trash. Well, am here because dad asked me to stay with her. His reason being that I could influence her positively. Peal's dad is dad's friend and had pleaded with dad that I should help his daughter out. This task is a big one for me but dad assured me that I could do it.

Pearl, having most of her education outside, lacked the African culture and traditions which we hold dear. For instance, she could neither Cook nor see the need to greet an elder. She saw everyone as her mate or even at times as trash.. Her manner of approach was something you would pray never to encounter. But I find it difficult to blame her because all she ever knew was the western way of life and mannerisms.

Apart from the fact that Pearl cannot do without clubbing, she also smokes. Yet in all of these she blames her father for everything and in a way, I agree with her. I sometimes feel that her parents failed in their parenting duties. Though they now try to correct it by making them have their university education here in our country. I just hope it’s not late yet.

The following morning, it was a call from an unknown number that woke me. I looked at the time. It was 6:30am. I was reluctant in answering the call. After the caller's third attempt, I answered.

Hello. I said rubbing my eyes and yawning

Hello please, am I unto miss Efua?

Yes please. Am calling from Duke police station, do you know one miss Pearl Osagie?

Yes sir. She's my friend and flatmate

Good. Your friend was arrested last night and she gave us your number to contact you. Please your attention is needed in the immediately.

I hung the call. Got prepared and left for the station. I had wanted to call his brother but I didn't have his number. I haven't even met him.

I  got to the police station and released Pearl on bail. She was seriously beaten at the club by the person she fought with even though she ended up stabbing her opponent with a bottle.

Her opponent was now laying in the hospital.

Pearl started crying when she saw me.

I knew you will come for me she said while hugging me. Am sorry for messing myself up this bad. I was drunk. Am so sorry.

It okay. I said patting her back like a little baby. I was two year older than Pearl...

I called my dad and he said he wasn't coming for me.

Temmy's number was switched off. You were my last hope. She said and started sobbing again.

I would not have survived that cell even for another second! Thanks Efua. You have a good heart.

After that day, I began to notice changes in Pearl.

I taught her how to cook. She stopped clubbing and changed her choice of friends.

I became her close friend and confidant.

It happened that the guy that showed me the library was her brother Temmy.

I later learnt that he was actually her half brother as they share the same father only.

Soon, Temmy and I became friends. He was the reserved type.

Since we became friends, He too started changing. Though not completely. He still smokes even though we agreed that he would never smoke in my presence...

Pearl's dad wanted Temmy to move in with us but dad refused for some reasons best known to him....

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