Chapter 16

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Efeosa POV

I still can't believe that I am now a married man! No thanks to dad. He knew how much i despise this girl. How could he do this to me?

I had to be forced into a marriage with this girl just to get access to my inheritance? This is crazy!

To worsen the situation, our union was made public by one busy body journalist who just couldn't mind his business! If I ever lay my hands on him, I would skin him alive.

Journalists are just something else. They can't mind their businesses for once!

This journalist in question didn't even know that our Union was just a contract one, even though am grateful for this,else, I wouldn't have been able to face my friends.

The caption of this journalist to the news of our Union is a funny one: Youngest CEO, Mr. Efeosa Osaremen marries his sweetheart formal miss Efua today on a low key. This youngest couple in town decided to have a court marriage with only immediate family present. Reasons for this, withheld.

Rumor has it that the couple are so in love and could barely stay without each other even for a second that they have decided to run their company together. How romantic! Further more...

What on earth is wrong with this guy? I threw the paper on the table and looks up, only to find Efua standing there, staring at me like the dumb girl she was.

And you why are you staring at me like that?


Sorry for yourself

And by the way, did you see this news about us?


I..mean about our union.

I watch her as she picked up the paper. After reading through it, she dropped the paper back on the table.

This only means that we're going to be living two lives in this so called union. A loving impression while out there and a normal one while at home. Is that clear?


So you will Begin work tomorrow. I have made arrangement for you to learn driving. Well if you want, because I don't want people to start talking!

One more thing. If you're going to work with me I think you should know this, that l give zero tolerance to lateness, so beware. With that I walked out of the living room.

Being our first day at work, we had to go together in one car so as to give a first good impression.

Do you know how to act? I asked as soon as we got into the car.

Act as how?

Why can't you prove for once that you're not as dumb as you look by answering a simple question with an answer and not with another question?

She stared at me for a few seconds then replied 'I don't know how to act. And please Efeosa, I am....

I am not Efeosa to you! So don't ever make the mistake of calling me that!

Oh sorry, I didn't know. So what shall I call you, sir?

I shot her a deadly look without saying a word.

Barr. Mark introduced me as the new CEO and Efua as my assistant. They all applauded us.

I entered my new office and saw that Efua's office was just a stone throw from mine. This was going to be a lot of fun..


Efua POV.

Efua, I would like to eat freshly baked bread now and I know where you can get it.

I shot her an angry look then left the kitchen. I had things I needed to get for the house anyway so I will just use the opportunity to get her Majesty's bread.

I was walking out of the grocery store when someone taped me. I turn round only to stand face to face with Temmy. I couldn't hold back my joy. I hugged him over and over again with tears in my eyes.

Hey girl, stop crying, you know I hate to see you cry. Temmy said wiping my tears with his handkerchief.

Let's hang out somewhere to have a catch up. I suggested. This he accepted so we went to a nearby fast food joint.

So tell me, what have you been up to I asked him.

I should be asking you. You disappeared into thin air. I went to your house few days back and your mum told me that you live around this place. I have been on the search ever since then.

Oh I see, tell me Temmy, what else did she tell you?

Nothing. Why, is there something I should know? Temmy asked me looking serious. His eyes rested on the ring on my fingers. His countenance changed immediately.


I can explain. I said reaching out to touch his hand across the table but he drew back.

You are married?

Temm... Is not what you think.

So what is it?

You're just over reacting.


Is not what you think...

I thought we were friends, how wrong I was! You know what, am out of here!

With that Temmy matched out.

I barely entered the house when  Efeosa attacked me with harsh words.

You prostitute! So because my father stated that we have our freedom in this union, you decided to hang out with him all day long, and as though that wasn't enough, you have them send you letters too? You disgust me Efua because you've no shame! Get out of my sight before I break the rule of no domestic violence.

I was about to leave with my tears filled eyes when he called me back.

Come and take your love letter and make sure none of your lover boys ever come to this house, or else I will kill someone!

I took the letter from him with a shaking hand. He walked away almost immediately.

I opened the letter and saw a small rose flower glued to the paper. Reading through the letter I was startled.

Am sorry, but I do really love you! Please don't leave..

from me!

I was dumbfounded. Who on earth is this person?

Thanks soooooo much for reading

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