chapter 35

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This chapter is dedicated to these faithful readers. And all many others I couldn't mention here. Thanks for your time.Balqees08 Chinwe20 MrPillars 08174569753h MistaDavo Agnesomalia Writerssquare_ mwicheb Sky_teddy Jovvy_Vin Jannahkkg Mercy198 Obehi200 VictorMwiti kuttyyoyo Rita_writes Gyimaya ElliotEPillars yewandejoseph
holybitch1111 _Inksquisite_SarangYomiPSixfeetoffineappleJeddieK Favour2189Rambling_Thoughts

It was all a game....

I knew my family needed explanation as to where I have been. As well as answers to their many questions. That's why I called everyone together today to hear my own side of this beautiful story I'm about to tell.

......My ordeal .....

On that fateful day I went to visit Barr Mark. I drew out the plan of my will. My intention was to travel outside the country and remain there for this period of six months. unfortunately, I had an accident and the vehicle caught fire. Thank God I was with my phone so I called Barr Mark, who quickly sent help. I was rushed to the hospital where I was unconscious for two days.

During these days, the news of my supposed death was airing in all local stations nationwide. Barr Mark wanted to come and tell you about my narrow escape from death, but I stopped him. Not knowing exactly why I did so anyway, until an idea came to me to fake my death by going into hiding to see what would have truly become of my family if I had truly died.

From near and far I watched until my fears of losing Efua became a reality the day you sent her parking. I had to look for a way to bring her back to the family, so I came up with 'the will and contract marriage thing'. I knew my beloved wife will not allow Efua to go with our family investment.

I also knew that Efua wouldn't agree to stay so I sent her a note through Barr Mark reminding her of the promise she made to me to help me whenever the need arises. That was how I got Efua to accept the contract marriage. I wanted Efua to help me with the forming of Edeosa and Ese. But Omoye was not helping issues. Instead Efua's life was made unbearable.

I kept sending Efua short letters of encouragement with rose flowers attached to it. Until Efeosa started accusing Efua of unfaithnesss. I was most happy that Ese was back to herself again. And I have Temmy to thank for that.

I watched my son's hard heart melting like wax. I also watched him falling in love like never before to the woman of my dream. I was happy and fulfilled though neither Efeosa nor Efua accepted the fact that they were head hill over each other. Then Lucas showed up and nearly ruined everything. I was troubled. I wanted to come out of hiding so as to send Efeosa abroad for proper care. But Barr Mark assured me that Efeosa was in good hands so I concured.

Another time I had wanted to come out of hiding was when Efua wanted to leave while Efeosa was still in the hospital. I had to send Barr Mark to speak to her that day. And luckily she accepted to stay. So I sent her more letters of encouragement with rose flowers attached.

I believed so much in Efua and she didn't disappoint me. She helped Efeosa regain his memory through her patience and tender love shown to him. Am so proud of you Efua! I really am. I bless the day I met you. The day I brought you into my home. You're nothing but a blessing to this family. You single handed reformed my home for this I'm eternally grateful.

I wasn't thinking of coming out of my hiding yet. For I love what I see and hear about my family from afar. But I needed to come back. I had to see Efua because "what an elder sees while sitting, a child even when he climbs the highest mountain will not see it."

Efua, when I drew this contract marriage, my plan was to bring you two closer. I wanted you both to find this love which I saw a long time between you two which you refused to admit. And freely accept it. But in all of these, I gave you enough freedom to walk away at anytime but your kind heart kept you going.

My family hurt you real bad. They injured you psychologically over and over again.

Yet you forgave them. I had wished, hoped and prayed that you stay. But you're quite persistent about going. That was why I had to come out of my hiding. I needed to ask you one question my daughter. And afterwards give you one advice.

Efua moved uncomfortably on seat as she focused on her fingers as though she was just realizing that they are hers.

Efua, do you love Efeosa at all?

The whole place was quiet. All heads where turned to Efua's direction which made her even more uncomfortable. It was as if ground should open and swallow her up.

After what seemed like eternity, Efua finally cleared her throat and stuttered.

Ye... Ye... Yes daddy, I love him.

Okay. That's all. Now my Advil to you as a father, your foster father is that, you follow your heart. Listen to it and let it lead you. "there is no time to either think about the past nor the future. True Forgiveness is a close brother to Now! "

Don't expect me to tell you to stay because my family wants you to or go because you want to. All I seek is your happiness and joy. And so does everyone in this room wish for you.

If you choose to stay we shall be happy and complete. If you choose to go, we shall also be happy though not completely but we shall be happy that you've gone to find your own happiness. But in all of these, I will still say, follow your heart my daughter. But don't be in a hurry t decide.

With these everyone left the living room and so did Efua. She wanted to be alone for awhile...


Efua pov

I'm so confused. This is the only family I have ever had. Despite the challenges of acceptance, yet they are my family. And Efeosa, though our worlds are apart, fate has managed to break the fence between us and I don't want to lose him to waywardness and reckless lifestyle again. I love him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I want to truly become the daughter of my father by becoming his daughter in law.

I remember everything this family had ever done for me, both the good the bad and the ugly. I remember them all with love because I now see that one thing actually led to the other. Beginning with my grandmother's death. Her death led to my meeting dad. My meeting with dad led to my experience of a family. This experience of a family led to hatred and war which I thought led to dad's death. This supposed death led to a contracted bond in marriage which was suppose to come to an end. This contract marriage led to understanding and true love. This true love led to true forgiveness and forgetfulness of all wrongs done. Which has led us to a true family bond. This bond though was tough to achieve yet is one that has past through fire for a test and thus never be broken.

Thanks for reading. You're surely a darling for encouraging me in this story with your reads, votes, comments etc. You're loved😘😘😘😘😘

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