chapter 21

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A secret lover...

Efua POV

Efeosa's attitude towards me softened a little after his fight with Temmy. He comes home on time and he minimized the number of times he brought his friends over to the house.

There was one of his friends I didn't like at all. His name is Lucas. He had tattoo all over his body and does not even hide to take hard drugs. He was an epitome of a wayward and irresponsible youth. He knew so well how much I dislike him.

However, there was one thing Efeosa never stopped, and that was embarrassing me in front of his friends. As a result, they had no regards for me at all. He would call me all sorts of names in front of them, that whenever they see me, they would just start whispering and laughing.

His anger was the letters I kept receiving from an unknown lover. Yet I had no clue who it was. I had thought that they were from Temmy, until he started dating Ese, and the letters were still coming. Only that this time, they were different from the first two that were apologies with a rose flower in them. This new ones sounded romantic as though I had a serious relationship on going with this anonymous lover of mine. The whole thing was confusing me and Efeosa wouldn't believe me that I didn't know who this person was. However, it was someone who knew me well.

Talking about Ese and Temmy, they both look so cute together and I was very happy for both of them. They're like match made from heaven.

What amazes me most in their love story was how Temmy over looked all of Ese's naughtiness and weaknesses and still loved her unconditionally. He was determined to help her and Ese was willing to be helped.

On one occasion, Ese had called me. Asking me to please create time to teach her how to cook. She wanted to surprise Temmy on his birthday. I willing availed myself and had her stay at our place for a week teaching her how to cook different delicacies.

That week was the best of all my stay here so far, since this whole contract thing started months ago. She was fun to be with. We talked, laughed and played together.

She even confided in me about her struggles with her drinking habit as she still sometimes hide to drink once in awhile. I still wonder how she trusted me with that kind of a secret believing that it was safe with me. I confronted her on this and she simply replied

"hey, I know you'll not tell on me with your friend Temmy. Look, l know you've a good heart. I just pray my brother realizes this before it's too late."

"How do you mean too late? The contract will be over in a month time."

"That's the issue. The contract this. The contract that. Don't tell me you haven't noticed that my brother has fallen in love with you."

I was shocked when she said this. "How did you manage to know that? "

"Ha, it was the day Temmy visited this house in search of you. That day, I had to lie that he was looking for me.

She paused awhile as though recalling the event of that day. Then she added excitedly

" You needed to see how my brother fought for you that day! He even slapped Moyo and sent her packing just because she called you a proustite. So tell me, wouldn't a blind man had seen that, that was love at work?" She concluded with a question laughing, which l soon joined.

When the laughter reduced she added "do you know why he hasn't admit his love for you yet?"

I shook my head. While smiling shyly.

"It's because of those letters from God knows who!"

"But why is he bothered about that since he refused to believe me."

"I guess he's afraid."

"Afraid? Of what?."

"Of loosing you to that anonymous lover."

She paused a while then took my hands in hers.

"You know my family, except dad, had treated you badly. Perhaps Efeosa is afraid to express his love because you might reject him and choose that lover boy over him. As a result, he is revolting. Not knowing that he's hurting you the more. Can I ask you a question?."

I nodded my head for short of words.

"Efua, do you love my brother Efeosa?"

The question took me by surprise. I didn't no what to say. So l remained mute.

"You don't have to answer me. Just give yourself an honest answer when you have one."

It was good to have a friend like Ese to talk with once in awhile. She truly is angelic in nature and I was happy that she was my best friend's soulmate.

During that one week she spent with us, I could feel the pains in her heart each time Efeosa treated me badly. She tried talking to Efeosa on my behalf but Efeosa would not listen.

Madam on the other hand, didn't follow dad's rule as she frequented our house without asking for my opinion as demanded by dad. Each time she was around, she would make sure she makes my life a living hell.

We were now on the fifth month of this contract and I longed for the last day when I shall walk out of this house with joy in my heart for having fulfilled dad's wish against all odds.

Thanks for reading. You're surely a Darling.
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