Chapter 18

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Friends by chance

Temmy POV

I felt terrible after I left Efua that day without giving her the chance to explain herself. Am sure she had a lot she wanted to tell me. I had wanted to call her but then, realized that we had not exchanged numbers before I walked away that day. I remembered her saying she lived around here and even tried to describe the house. So I began my search and finally found the house. The security man allowed me in when I told him I was there to see Mrs. Efua. The house was a very big and beautiful one. In fact it was a mansion. It had a garden at one side and a swimming pool at the other side of the building. Everywhere was neat and quiet.

I pressed the door bell but no one answered. I waited awhile before pressing. Still no one answered. I was about to press it the third time when the door opened and I young beautiful lady with a cigarette in her hand asked me what I wanted. I greeted her and told her I wanted to see Efua to apologize to her for my misconduct. Immediately her countenance changed and she stared at me with so much disgust.
"You must be Temmy i suppose. She said sizing me with her eyes. Well doc, Efua is not disposed to receive any visitor right now so leave. She said rudely. I was most perplexed as to how she knew my name but before I could ask how she knew me, the door opened and a guy who looked so much like the lady walked towards us. He looked angrily at me. " you again? " he asked as he pointed his finger at me. I was confused as this was my first time of meeting him ever.
"Don't just stand here and look at me like an idiot! What on earth are you doing in my house?"


"Shut up! you idiot! If you don't leave my house this minute, I will make sure you rot in jail! What guts! Outside is no longer enough for you that you now have the guts to come to my house to see my wife? What kind of a shameless man are you? "

I opened my mouth to apologize but before I could utter any word another lady walked up to us. She was dark in complexion, tall and slim.

"Efeosa Darling, why are you wasting your energy over that cheap proustite you call a wife?"

"Shut up Moyo and go inside". This is non of your business...

"Oh yes it is Efeosa! After all am your girlfriend, and Efua is just your contract wife for six months and more so she has her freedom to do as she wish!"

"How dare you?" The guy whose name the dark lady called Efeosa said as he slapped her on her cheek.

"What?" Efeosa you slapped me because of her? The lady moyo asked holding her cheek.

"Yes. She might be my wife for a short period of time but that does not give you the impetus to speak about her in that manner! Now go in there, pack your things and leave. I don't ever want to see you again.

" you're breaking up with me because of her? Efua will surely pay for this! With that she disappeared into the house and reappeared almost immediately with her bag. She stopped abruptly in front of Efeosa and said " you know where to find me if you need me".

Immediately the lady left, Efeosa grabbed me by the collars of my shirt and pinned me to the wall, then he  Before I could protest, he started punching me, first on the face then my stomach.

"Efeosa, stop!" "No! Let me teach this guy a lesson so that he would learn to stay away from other people's wives and properties.

No! He's not here for Efua, the lady lied. He's here for me!

Efeosa stopped punching me. While the lady walked towards me. She hugged me and whispered into me ear." Please play along."

Then she projected her voice as she cupped my face with her tiny soft hands." Ho honey, am so sorry! My brother had some issues with his wife and mistook you for another person. "

I was speechless and so was her brother. She turned to her brother and said," don't you think you should apologize to my friend, bro?"
I don't apologize to anyone. And please next time, keep you friends off my house! He turn to me and said " you should leave now!

I turned immediately and left. I could hear Efeosa asking his sister the owner of  a certain letter. Which she replied was hers. I didn't look back. I just left and since then I had not set my eyes on that girl who saved me from the embarrassment of my life and I hadn't stop thinking about her. Ordinarily I would say that she wasn't my type as she looked tough. Yet she managed to capture my heart. She was pretty and looked calm. Oh she also has a kind heart as she managed to save Efua and I that day.

I pray I ever see her again. She has a good heart so she must be a good person also. I think I like her. But men, she really looked tough though and quiet...

The knock on my office door brought me back to the reality of the present.

"Come in" I said

A nurse walked in and informed me that Barr. Mark was around to introduce the workers to our new boss who I learnt was a young lady and I was absent in that meeting as a result, the new boss had sent for me. I immediately left my office for hers sweating. This is not a good impression to begin with at all.

I hurried to the conference hall and saw people leaving the hall. The meeting was over.

I hit the wall nearest to me. Why on earth have I missed this meeting.

It was because you were thinking of some strange emotions you were beginning to develop for one rascal looking girl the voice within me said.

I turned and headed for the boss' office.

I took a deep breath then knock at the door. A rather familiar voice asked me to come in and when I stepped in I got the shock of my life!

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