chapter 23

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Endless pain...

Efua POV

I remember seeing the forcefully opened door and turning to run back to the room to call for help. I remember someone grabbing me from behind.

"Let go of me." I said kicking hard at  my captor. He lost hold of me and screamed in pain.

"You stupid little girl, I will teach you to respect me." He said as he ran after me. I recognized the voice immediately, it was Lucas. He knew his friend wasn't at home,  Why then was he here at this time? I didn't know what to do. He was hitting hard at the door which was going to fall at anything from now.

I picked up the phone and dialled Ese's number, it was not reachable. So I quickly sent her a text: Help!!! Lucas broke into our house. He looks so harmful! Am scared! Get help fast before it's too late!!!

It didn't deliver. There was network issues. The door finally fell down and an angry Lucas came in.

"You idiot! You had the guts to hit me?" He moved towards me while I fled to the other side towards the door. I tried running out then he stopped me with a threat "I am not here to kill you but if you move an inch from where you are now, I swear, I will blow off your brains and make sure they're in countless pieces!" Hearing this I stood still where I was.

"Turn round" he ordered.
I did so immediately, that was when I saw that he was actually pointing a gun at me. I was terrified! I felt this cold all over me. He walked up to me and dragged me roughly by my left arm, pushing me towards the staircase, then to the living Room down stairs. Getting there, he kicked me by my legs unexpectedly and I fell down to the floor. My night wear revealing my thighs. I quickly covered them but he already saw them as he lustfully looked at me before bringing out two roped he tied my hands and legs.

"Lucas why are you doing this? "

"Because, you dared Moyo! So she sent me to clear you out of her way."

Dared Moyo? I have never had any serious argument with her that could warrant this type of treatment from her.

"Clear me out if the way, how do you mean?"

"Efua, Efua, how naive and innocent you're! Well, it means that I should get rid of you."

"I still don't understand? If it's to get rid of me then why did you tie me up? Just untie, give me few seconds to pack my things and I will be gone forever! Far away from Efeosa and her. So that she can have her way.

" see why I said you're too naive. She wants you DEAD not to leave.  More over, I would want you dead too because I wouldn't want Efeosa to come looking for you later on. So that makes Moyo and I a team.

"Look Lucas, you and I know that if I go, Efeosa would be the happiest man alive! And..

" I would have believed that if he hadn't  fought for you. If he hadn't slapped Moyo for your sake. He turned round with his whole face red in anger, then he added what almost took my breath.

"I would have believed if you hadn't ignored all my letters!"

" YOU? My God Lucas why? How was I suppose to know it was you?"

"Shut you idiot! He shouted

"The last note I sent had a phone number on it. I watched you tear it into pieces."

I remember that letter. I got it few days ago through the security man who has been the one delivering this particular love letters unlike the first two apology notes with a rose flower attached to them which I received earlier.

On that fateful day, when he gave me the letter, he told me it was from one man from the office. I opened it and read through at the footnote was a phone number. I was so angry that I tore the paper right there and threw the pieces into a nearby waste bin. When I looked up I saw Lucas staring at me from the pool side where he was drinking with Efeosa and others. He had this devilish smile on his lips which I felt was because he already knew my struggle with Efeosa over my unknown lover and sent him a pleading looking not to tell Efeosa.

I had no clue he was my secret lover!

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't know when he walked up to me and sat in front of me on the floor.

"Why do you still love him despite all he does to you?" He asked caressing my face. I shook off his hands. He gripped me by the head and I let out a loud cry.

I was silently crying. What was he going to do to me now? Was he going to finally kill me. Oh God! Why does every one see this love between Efeosa and I when in essence, there is none! I still can't believe Lucas of all people would harbour love for me.

Lucas was the most quiet of all Efeosa's friends. Yes he does join others to laugh at me but I noticed his laughter was usually faked. Even his friends noticed it. When Efeosa brings my matter up for discussion, Lucas always say, "lets talk about things more interesting. Real men don't gossip."

At one occasion I heard him scolding Efeosa, "show some respect man, you can't keep treating her like this!"

"Stay away from my family issues Lucas, she's mine not yours and can never be yours. Go find some like you and mind your business!!"

After that day Lucas no longer frequented our house as the other friends were, even the few times he came around, he wound neither drink nor smoke. I told myself he was only pretending as they said, birds of the same feather flocks together.  More than once I had caught him staring at me from afar . It all makes sense to me now.

"Answer me you imbecile!He shouted again. "Why do you still love him despite all he does to you? I was ready to do anything for you. I knew you hated my tattoo, so I tried all I could to wash them all off. But they're permanent. Efeosa told us how much you hate it when he smokes, so I stopped smoking, I even stop taking drugs. Just to get you to notice me but you never did! Instead I watch you fall for Efeosa day after day!"

"You rejected me! Choosing a man who has tortured you all your life over me who was ready to treat you right."

"Lucas please, we can talk this over. I know you have a good heart and..."

Aww. I want to divide this chapter into two else it will be too long. Don't want to get you bored. Thanks for your understanding😘😘😘 please don't forget to vote....

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