Chapter three

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Kali's POV

I woke up Monday morning and got dressed. I put on a jeans, a white shirt, and my purple boots.

I walked out of my room and called up Taylor.

"Hey Kali!" Taylor answered.

"Hey. What time is Kristi picking you up?" I asked as I walked into my kitchen.

"She should be here any minute and then we will go to your house so your mom can bring us." Taylor said.

"Okay. See you guys soon." I said.

"Bye." Taylor said and then I hung up the phone.

"Are they on their way yet?" My mom asked as I sat down at the kitchen table.

"She said that Kristi would pick her up any minute so they should be here in about ten minutes." I said and my mom nodded.

My mom left the kitchen as my dad walked in.

"Good morning Kali!" My dad said walking over and giving me a kiss on top of my head.

"Hey dad." I said as he sat down next to me.

"Quick question. Aren't you supposed to be in school?" My dad asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I guess mom didn't tell you. Haha I'm going to get the tickets for the 5sos concert." I said and my dad nodded.

"Oh yeah. Those boys you used to go to school with." My dad said opening up the newspaper.

"Yup. Them." I mumbled. Just then I heard the front door open and I heard Kristi laughing.

"Okay. See you later dad." I said getting up from the table.

"Bye sweetheart." He said and I walked out.

Kristi's POV

"Hey girl!" I said as Taylor jumped into my range rover.

"Heeeeey." Taylor said, stretching out the 'e'. I started to drive towards Kali's house. We didn't really talk to each other.

When we pulled up, we walked towards the door and Taylor went to open the door but she missed and fell into the door.

I couldn't help but laugh as she rubbed her arm that collided with the door.

"It's not funny." Taylor said as she went to open the door and I started laughing even more.

"What's so funny?" Kali asked as she walked into the living room.

"Taylor walked into the door." I said and Kali started laughing.

"Stop guys. It's not that funny." Taylor complained as we all walked through the door to Kali's moms car.

We all piled in and we started driving to the building to get our tickets.

The ride there took an hour to get to. But when we got there, we all jumped out of the car and into the building so fast.

"Good morning girls! How may I help you?" The lady asked as we walked into the building.

"We're here to claim the tickets for five seconds of summer. We won the meet and greet." Taylor said and I nodded my head.

"Okay. Name please." She said typing something into her computer.

"Taylor Williams." She said and the lady nodded her head.

"Okay. You're going to go through those doors right there, make a left, and then there will be a door on your right that says President Drew Danials." She said and we all nodded her head, thanked her, and walked through the double doors.

We did what she said and found the office. We knocked on the door and they told us to enter.

"Hello." We all said in unison.

"Good morning girls." He said standing up from his chair and holding his hand out for us to shake. We all shook his hand and we all sat down across from him.

"Well first, I would like to congratulate you guys for winning the tickets." He said and we nodded our heads.

"Okay. We will have your mom sign some things and then we will give you the tickets." He said as Kali's mom took the paperwork.

"Oh my God. This is actually happening." Taylor said and we all smiled.

"You guys act as if you know them." Drew said from behind the desk.

"Actually we do. We used to go to school with them." I said and the guy looked confused.

"Oh. Really?" He asked and we all nodded our heads.

"We used to be very close to them actually." Kali said and the guy folded his hands together on the desk.

"Really? Because they never mention anyone from school. They said everyone was mean to them and now it was time for them to prove everyone wrong." He said and Kali's mom looked up from the paperwork.

"No. They were actually friends with them." Kali's mom said simply and went back to the paperwork.

"Oh. Then why didn't they ever mention you?" Drew asked. We were all getting annoyed at him at this point.

"What's this guys deal?" Kali whispered to us.

"I don't know but I'm getting pissed." I said looking at him.

"Listen Mr. You don't know us. Maybe they just didn't want to mention us." Taylor said clearly showing how mad she was.

"I'm just saying that it seems like they forgot about you. Why would you want to see them." He said and that was it. It was the final straw.

"Hey. Be quiet. We won these tickets fair and square and you know what. It doesn't matter if they remember us or not, we're still going to see them." I said as Kali's mom finished the paperwork.

She put the papers in front of him and stood up.

"Let's go girls. Everything is signed. Can we have the tickets now?" She said and he went through a filing cabinet. He pulled out the tickets and handed them over.

"Okay, thank you. Bye. Nice to meet you!" Taylor faked said.

"Whatever. Bye." He said and we all walked out of the office.

"What was his problem?" Kali's mom asked as we got back into the car. We all shrugged and she pulled out of the parking lot.

"I'm hungry." Taylor said and we all agreed. We decided to get McDonalds for lunch since we weren't going to school today.

When we got back to Kali's house, we all went home. When I walked through my door, I saw Flowers on the kitchen counter.

"Oh mom. Who sent you those?" I asked walking up to them. She sighed and looked at me.

"They aren't for me. They are for you." She said and I looked at her confused.

"Who are they from?" I asked turning towards her with a confused look on my face. She reached for a note on the other counter and gave it to me.

"Look for yourself." She said and I opened the note.

"Sorry we probably made you think that we forgot about you three. We could never forget about you guys. I hope you can forgive us. Hopefully we can see you girls again. Love the boys." I said out loud and looked at my mom. She had a smile on her face.

"They remember us. They never forgot about us!" I yelled and my mom smiled.

"I knew they never forgot about you guys!" She said and I couldn't stop smiling.

"And they don't even know that were going to see them in less than two weeks." I said and my mom smiled.

I'm going to see them and they remember us. I can't wait for the meet and greet.

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