Forty six

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Today, Olivia was a month old. Me and Luke were so excited. Its amazing how fast time really goes.

Olivia was currently with my mom right now. We we're getting ready to go and pick her up.

"Luke are you ready to go?" I asked as I made my way upstairs. He didn't answer as I walked into our room. He was sitting on the edge of the end, starring at his phone.

"Luke. Are you okay?" I asked as I walked more into the room. He didn't look up, he just continued looking at his phone. I sat down next to him and that's when I found out he was crying.

"Babe. What's wrong?" I asked and he just sniffled. He handed me is phone and I looked at it.

"You talked to your dad?" I whispered and he nodded.

"I didn't want to. I accidentally clicked accept." He said as more tears left his eyes.

"What did he want now?" I asked and he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"You don't have to tell me now if you don't want to." I said and he shook his head.

"No. I'll tell you." He said and he stopped and wiped at his tears.

"He called saying that he missed me and thought we should meet up. We all know that he is not interested in me. He obviously just wants money." He said and I laid down on our bed as I pulled him close. I had him lay his head on my lap as I played with his hair.

"So then I said I couldn't because I have bigger responsibilities now. He asked, like what? And I said simply that I had my own little family now. I can't just drop everything for a scum bag like you." He said and I smiled to myself.

"Good one babe." I whispered and he lightly chuckled.

"But then he flipped out saying that I was too young to have a baby and that I just ruined my life. That now the band was going to suffer. Like he fucking cares. He's just mad at the fact that he thinks I won't have money for him to take, though he's not getting any." Luke said and I sighed.

"He's such a fucking asshole. Like who is he to think he can control my life. I'm old enough to make my own decisions." Luke said and I rubbed his back as he started to cry again.

It always broke my heart to see him this way. He's normally a lot stronger and I felt so bad for him.

"Luke. It's okay. Calm down babe." I said as I continued to rub his back.

"I just can't Kristi. I'm so mad and sad and I just don't want to deal with him ever." Luke said and he sat up and I engulfed him in a hug.

I positioned myself so I was straddling him and I wiped his tears away.

"Baby. It's okay to feel this way. You're dad is being an asshole and you definitely don't deserve any of this. I love you Luke. So does your mom and brothers. So does my mom. So does Ashton, Michael, and Calum. I promise everything will get better." I said and he gave me a little smile.

"This is why I love you so much baby." He said as he leaned in and gave me a quick kiss. I smiled as I got off of him and stood up.

"Now come on Mr. Hemmings. We have to go pick up our beautiful Princess." I said as I held out my hand and he took it as he got out of bed. I smiled as we made our way to the car.


"Hi mom." I said as me and Luke walked through the front door.

"Hey sweetheart." She said as she was feeding Olivia. I smiled as I sat down next to her.

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