Chapter six

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Kristi's POV

It was finally Thursday. I sat in my last class knowing that in less than an hour, we would be on our way to the hotel.

I have never been so excited in my life. I was finally going to see my best friends.

"Miss. Wilson. What a is the answer to this equation?" The teacher asked pointing to the problem on the board.

"Twenty three." I said and she nodded her head.

"Good job. For a second I thought you weren't paying attention." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh. Sorry Mrs. Flynn." I said and she nodded.

I went back to doing my work as the teacher kept teaching the lesson. This stuff was simple and I didn't really need to pay attention.

The bell rang and I ran out of the school so I could drop my car off at home. When I got home, Taylor was there waiting for me.

"Okay. Let me grab my suitcase and then I'm ready to go." I said running into the house.

"Okay. Hurry." She said and I barged into my house.

"Hey sweety!" My mom said and I ran upstairs.

"Hey mom. I'll see you on Sunday!" I said running down and giving her a kiss.

"Have fun and be safe. I love you!" She said as I ran out the door.

"Love you too." I screamed as I slammed my door and ran to Taylor's car.

We drove to Kali's house. When we got there, she was already waiting outside. As we pulled up, Kali threw her suitcase in and jumped into the back seat of the car.

"Okay. Ready to see our best friends? The car that should be taking us should be at my house already." Taylor said speeding towards her house.

"I'm way too excited!" I practically yelled.

"Same here!" Kali said and Taylor nodded her head.

We pulled up at her house and sure enough, there was a black escalade parked in front of her house.

Taylor ran inside to grab her suitcase and came outside as she threw hers in the back and jumped into the car we were already piled into.

"Hi girls. My name is Dave and I will be your driver. I'll drive you guys to the hotel, where the concert will take place and of course, where you will meet them. I will also drive you home when it's all over." He said and we all nodded our heads.

"Sounds good Dave." Taylor said and we all smiled. I was so excited to see them.

The ride was about an hour long and when we got to the hotel, we were super exhausted. We all fell into bed immediately and went to sleep.


The next morning, we woke up and started jumping around on the bed. We were throwing pillows at each other and singing along to heartbreak girl.

When we settled down, we decided to go done and retrieve our breakfast. Luckily everything was basically free since we won it. It even meant free food.

We ate and went back up to our rooms to start getting ready for the show. We all took showers and did each other's makeup.

I had my wings going on, something I loved to do with my makeup. I straightened my hair and put on the nirvana shirt and skinny jeans with my vans.

Kali's hair was straight too and didn't have much makeup on. She wore her Rolling Stones outfit that we bought at the mall last weekend.

Taylor had slightly a little bit more makeup. She wore her outfit she bought last weekend as well. Her hair was somewhat curly.

We were all now ready to go.

We walked out of our hotel to look for Dave. He then saw us and honked at us and we walked over to the escalade.

We all jumped in and said hello to Dave.

"Good evening girls! Are you ready for the show?" He asked pulling out of the parking spot.

"Super excited." Taylor said and I spoke up.

"What if they notice us?" I asked and Kali got excited.

"I know. I mean we are sitting front row. Oh my God. I miss them. I hope they remember us." Taylor said.

"Remember you?" Dave asked and we all looked over at him.

"Yeah. We used to go to high school with them." Kali said answering Dave.

"Wow. That's pretty cool!" He said turning the car. We all nodded our heads.

Before we knew it, Dave pulled up to the arena. We thanked him and jumped out of the car. We started to walk up to the place and we handed them our tickets.

"Okay. Follow her since you guys get to go in first since you guys won the tickets. Enjoy the show." She said and we all nodded, following the other lady who would direct us inside.

We walked in to the now empty arena. We looked around and couldn't help but gasp.

There were already some other girls in there looking at us. We all smiled at them as they returned one to us. We sat down where we were told and next thing I knew, the place was completely crowded with screaming fans everywhere.

I turned to Taylor and Kali and just smiled and they smiled back. They knew exactly what I was thinking.

They were our best friends. These boys could never forget about us and they proved they didn't this week. We will see these boys tomorrow and we talk about old times with them

Just then, the drums started playing and out came Luke with his guitar and so did Calum and Michael as they all started playing Heartache On the Big Screen. Everyone started cheering and Taylor, Kali, and I jumped from our seats and started dancing and screaming.

Those were our best friends.

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