Being Cute

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Tobiah's Pov: 

As promised I got her a frappucino then I picked her up. We are already driving to Helena's. Cordelia dressed in a burgundy dress, sat by me silently. She looks calm and collected while I am having a sweaty forehead and  slippery hands. How can she act this normal?

"So I am  meeting the parents?" I asked feeling my heartbeats fasting at such thought. 

Fake or not, officially meeting the parents of your partner isn't an easy task. Parents are protective by nature. They would go to extremes to insure the happiness of their kids. They won't think twice about stepping up in defense or serving a punch if you hurt their kids. Now, imagine holding the heart of their kids at your mercy....You have to stay on the safe side while playing the game of love or enjoy being a target. 

When I was dating Lana, meeting the parents was not a big deal. Lana was not close to them. She did not feel the need to introduce me to them right away. We date it for nearly a year then she planned a coffee date with them. The whole family seemed distant and dysfunctional. They did not ask me anything other than my name and job...They did not even warn me to keep Lana safe and happy. Maybe that's why Lana cheated. Maybe she saw the ring I bought and thought that we will be a copy or her parents: cold and distant. Poor Lana, I can never imagine growing up without the love of my parents.

Cordelia like me has a loving family. We both come from big families too. I met most of her family in the company's events. I did also play golf with her dad, before we started fake dating. Now I fear him using a golf club of his to scare me away...

"You already met them plenty of times." Cordelia answered easily missing how nervous I am actually getting.

"But Lia I never played the role of your "boyfriend" I said mirroring my anxious thoughts quite clearly.

"You are meeting them in a party so they won't make a scene. It is not like they will threaten you. If this was happening at our own houses, I would be freaking out. At Helen's, Mike would probably ask you few questions and Monica will focus on me since I haven't visited since all of this started." She eased again offering me a small smile.

"What questions?" I disregarded her calm energy and continued on overthinking each of her words.

"Blue and grey, five, burgers and spiders." She randomly started to list.

"Excuse me?" I asked feeling even more puzzled.

"My favorite colors,number and food then my ultimate fear. Mike loves to play the role of a cop when I bring home a guy. He asked Raphe all of those even though Raphe grew with me, learning all about me." She clarified chuckling at the memory and for the first time mentioning her old love without demands, pressures or sadness.

"So Blue, grey, five, burgers and spiders, that's it?" I repeated taking a mental note of those information.

"Yep." She nodded then pointed to a huge house with tens of cars in front of it.

"No last tips?" I asked pulling in front of the house and eyeing the girl right by me and she eyed me back with a small smile and no worries at all.

"Just be yourself Tobiah. They already like you." Lia noted and I couldn't but smile wholeheartedly back at her. 

The house is full of people: grandparents, Parents, kids, uncles, aunts , friends...The whole neighborhood is here celebrating Helena's parents. For the first ten minutes, Cordelia was dragged by Helena away from me so I went to the bar and picked myself a drink. I am not getting drunk again so no need to get anxious. I have to put on my best performance tonight for Cordelia's parents and I also intend to drive her back safely.

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