you're not even close to weak, princesa

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A STRAINED SILENCE SUCKED the air out of me.

Finally, Soren spat, "Estoy aquí con ella, so let her go."

"Sorry, Lo, pero tengo órdenes que no te concierne."


What the fuck was going on right now?

Catching the smallest glint of his eyes cast over my shoulder, I took the moment to send my other fist flying for his face.

When he grunted and stumbled back, his hold on me loosened. I could feel it in waves. All the emotions. I wanted to kill him. I actually wanted to. Seth just wouldn't come and get me himself.

"What the fuck are your orders, huh?" I asked harshly, stepping towards him again. He didn't approach me. "Where is he?" My head was spinning with all the different dots I couldn't seem to connect. Did he work for Seth and not know who Soren was? "And how the fuck do you know him?"

"Ella está conmigo, Carlos. She's with me." Soren ignored me completely, his tone full of grit and finality.

Carlos hesitated, his silhouette wavering slightly. "Lo, sé que te debo, pero no la conoces. You don't know what's going on and who wants her."

Okay, was no one going to give a damn answer?


"Oh," Soren chuckled dryly. "I fucking know Seth." Before I could blink, his shadow flashed right by me, a loud crack echoing in the darkness.

"¡Tengo órdenes!" Carlos slurred, but it came out broken as Soren grabbed him harshly.

Heaving a breath, I pushed forward until Soren released him and Carlos went sprawling back, sending dirt and rocks springing up around us. It bit at my ankles, but I asked again, "What were those orders?"

"All I know is that I was supposed to call him if I saw you."

He was lying through his teeth, but at least he'd answered me this time. "You're a bad liar." I said, kneeling down to catch his dark gaze in the shadows. He was supposed to get me. Lit by the moon, the only thing I could make out was the trickle of blood that was rolling down his face. There was a cut above his eyebrow that could be seen in the greyness of the night. "What the hell were you talking to him about?"

"He wanted me to get you. I think he's coming to Red Hook. I was supposed to hold you here."

His words froze all the rage running through my veins. I couldn't be afraid of him. I wasn't afraid of him, so why was it that those words made me want to crawl into a hole? Or run as far away from Red Hook as I could?

It made sense. Seth would want to kill me himself.

"Why?" Soren demanded, gruff and full of anger, as if he didn't know. Seth was going to fucking kill me. "What the fuck is he going to do?"

Carlos shivered, his whole body writhing in the dim light. "She set his whorehouse up in the Bronx on fire, Lo. He's either going to kill her or make her wish that she was dead."

A lump in my throat had formed at his words. I couldn't swallow or breathe. I knew that it was exactly what I'd been expecting, but it still paralyzed me in my spot.


"I'd like to see him try." Soren snorted.

"What the hell is this, Calloway? ¿Estás trabajando con ella?"

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