i'd rather you be alive and mad at me

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**Any of my readers live in NYC? It's a known fact that fire escape sex is one of the types of sex you'll definitely have if you're living here. 😂 It's a little dangerous though, so... don't try it.

Lol after Soren's POV yesterday, I hope you all are ready to give him besos 😘😘 he's dying for them in this one.

UPDATE 12/21/21: Jesus I forgot about Adrian and Lacey's beginning, but I regret nothing.

♚ ♛

PLUNGING INTO THE COLD, murky water of the Hudson River wasn't what I thought was going to happen when I followed Soren.

As I sunk into a cloudy darkness, another gunshot echoed above the surface. Icy water slipped through my veins, even as I came sputtering up for air.

Another shot reverberated through the night, sending a wave of foggy water crashing over my head. It slithered up my nostrils when two arms suddenly wrapped around my waist and yanked me back underwater.

I thrashed against the strong grip, my eyes burning when I opened them. I couldn't see anything. I could only hear distant, dull voices swirling together above me — yelling. People were yelling up on the pier.

My lips parted and water flooded through me, searing my lungs. When my head finally broke surface again, I coughed frantically, trying to calm my racing heart as my eyes darted along the twisting pier and skyline. What was happening?

Everything whipped through my skull in a painful ache as long fingers dug into my waist, jerking me into a hard body. It sent a shock through my cold body. "Soren!"

"Nope, cariño, just me." A breathless rasp came over the crest of the next wave.

Why him? Where was Soren?

Another shot sliced through the air when I stopped momentarily. "Where is he? Where is Soren?" Panic sent me flailing around to find his bobbing head. "Where is he?"

His dark eyes met mine and I knew.

He would still be on the pier. Of course he would be.

"No, no, no!" I spat, turning back in that direction only to gulp air and swallow water haphazardly. How many gunshots had I heard? My watery eyes examined the long pier that was too far away.

"What the fuck are you d-" Adrian hissed, cut off when I thrust water towards him. "Oh, fuck this. You crazy bitch."

Hands wrapped around my legs and then I was pulled back under water, blinking violently as I caught the smear of blurry silhouettes still moving on the dock. "No!" I swatted viciously, coughing, bobbing, sinking, fucking drowning.

A low growl meshed with the sounds of me spewing water and cursing him out. "I can't deal with this." He seethed before one hand palmed the top of my skull and shoved me down again.

I gasped just before my nostrils filled with the burn of dirty water, fighting his grip relentlessly. I fucking hated him. Every jab and elbow and kick seemed to miss him.

I had to get back there. Soren. Soren was there alone.

When I finally managed to claw my lips to the surface, I sputtered, "Let go of me!" The cold water had already numbed my limbs, but everything in my heart was on fire. "You have to let go of me! He's going to get himself killed!"

My hands fumbled against his chest, twisting through the moving current. One hand sliced through the water to clap over my mouth. "I should fucking drown you, cariño."

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