Chapter/ Episode 15: What Arie is going to be a princess?!

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Chess POV:

Today it's a beautiful day Arie,Min,Suha, my sister  Shuel and I walk to school together then suddenly we sensed one of our classmates emitting hopeless energy and we run to it hearing her say " I wanted to be a princess and be loved but I know nothing of being a princess and my boyfriend might not love me anymore so I'm giving up!..." as she cried then Arie's ring glowed "Oh my ring?", " Love that is clear like a jewel!,Bloom  into a flower of hope!,Flowering Heart romantic lips!,make  up change!" As Arie turned into a beautiful princess and I look at her in awe Wow!,come on girls!" as we go to the young lady who is in despair "Hey don't give up!, you can be a princess I will help you also I promise you that your boyfriend will love you!" Arie said cheerfully as the girl smiled and nodded her eyes lit up happily after Arie taught her how to be a princess and all then the girl's boyfriend loves her so much,Arie,Min,Suha and Shuel collect hopeful energy but Arie's princess outfit didn't wear off  or disappear  Arie  and the girls asked why until I replied "It's because Arie became a real princess to be my princess and the next queen of flowering kingdom,so that's why her princess outfit didn't disappear",  "Oh wow!,Arie became  a real  princess?! Cool!,are you and Arie going to be engaged?,are you going to propose to her Chess?"   "Yes  I will if she said yes that is" as   my sister Shuel,me and Arie's friends squealed  as I kneel down on one knee and takes a small blue box and Arie look at me "Um.. Arie  you know I love you and that I promise to love you and take care of you, be with you when you need a shoulder to cry on, through the good and bad times I will be there and make you the happiest lady on earth, So will you be my princess and soon to be queen?" As I saw her nod and cry tears of joy while saying "Yes!,yes I will be your princess and soon to be queen Chess!" as  hug me while I place the ring on her finger and kiss her as Shuel,Min and Suha  squealed some more "Yay!" "we're happy for you two!" Min and Suha said, "I'm happy for you two big brother!" Shuel told me and Arie " thank you Shuel!" I replied and look at Arie happily with love and after school auntie and uncle greeted us "Welcome home Arie,Chess!",   "Mom,dad guess what?,I'm now  a princess and  Chess' soon to be queen!" Arie told her parents happily and they smiled at the news and for the both of Arie and I " that's wonderful Arie!" Uncle and auntie replied " you two have our blessing!, but finish your studies first alright?"  " Yes mom,dad"  " Yes uncle,auntie we will"

Stay tuned for the next chapter, chapter 16:  Trump's  Revenge?!

I hope you liked this chapter and I'll see you next time! - Chelsea Tsukiyomi

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