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This is a PJO and TMC crossover fanfic. If you don't know what those stand for, you probs shouldn't read this. I have used some characters/races from TMC and PJO and some characters but the main character is my own.

Disclaimer – I am NOT Rick Riordan OR Lynette Noni


"Thank you everyone. I know that some of you don't get along well, but I'm glad that you take this meeting as a bit of a truce." A woman in business attire was standing in front of many people, all of them very different. All of them leaders of their race. "Now, I know when I sent for you, I didn't give many details. But here they are." She stepped aside to reveal a girl who looked about fourteen. Of course, she wasn't really fourteen though. Being a Meyarin meant that she might've looked fourteen but was actually around 200 years old. The young Meyarin was very pretty. She had black hair that was cut just below her shoulders and her eyes looked like a starry black night. She wore a purple hoodie jacket with words that read, "Don't underestimate me". Ripped, faded, black jeans and black boots finished up her look.

"This is my daughter, Aylvair Caematas. Your blood will be put into her body, making her able to access all your abilities." There were some angered mutters. The lady held up her hands calmly.

"Please, everyone calm down. There is always method to madness. I am doing this, not for peace, not to have an all-powerful force I can use against you. I just want this for my daughter, for I want her to grow up strong but not abusive, scared but not a coward. I want her to be gentile but firm, wise, brave and the most important. I want her to not judge people on who they are. Too many people judge each other on what they can do or what they look like. I want this to end. This is the main reason why I want to mix your blood and mix it with hers. I want her to have all your abilities so she doesn't think that just because someone can do something different, they are different but the same. We are all different, but we also the same." The murmurs intensified. The woman let them and soon they turned into raised voices.

"Why should we help you?!"

"How can we trust you?!"

"What's the point?!" The lady didn't stop them. She just stood calmly at the front of the room while they all argued. Finally, a voice spoke over the rest.

"I think we should help her. Plus, if she does decide to use her as a weapon, there are ways to kill her." The person who spoke up was the leader of the Nyxnoxae. Nyxnoxae were humans who could turn into wolves. Except, these wolves looked very different from normal wolves. They had wings sprouting out of their backs and they looked much meaner. The right side of their body, including the wing, was totally white whereas the other side was completely black. The only thing that made a difference on the white side, was their eye which was also black. Even when they were in human form, their colouring stayed the same. They were quite a scary race to be around, even though they weren't a major one.

"How can you be so calm? We've been told to give some of our blood to this stranger who, might I say, is very fast, strong and powerful and who will have a good advantage to overthrow us." These words came from the leader of a race called the Jarnocks. The leader of the Nyxnoxae didn't even blink an eye. He just answered simply;

"I trust this young woman. Her reason may not be the best reason but I still trust her. Just give it a try. If it turns into a bad idea then we'll know not to repeat it."

"We won't be alive to repeat it", the Jarnock leader muttered. The leader of Nyxnoxae either didn't hear him or chose to ignore him. The woman beamed. She clapped her hands together and gestured to a table which held small empty vials with weird lids on them.

"Right, so. All of you who chose to donate your blood, come over here. Anyone against it may go home and no one will stop you." Everyone started to shuffle towards the table. The woman's smile brightened. "Now, I'll hand these out and then tell you what to do. Please wait for your next instructions." She gave a small vial to each person, each person doing as they were told and waiting for the next order. No one had realised, until that moment, that the girl whose body they were putting their blood, was not in the room. The leader of a race called the Shadow walkers noticed it first.

"Where's the girl?"

"Oh, she's in her bedroom. I'm not going to join her blood with yours just yet. Talking of your blood, now that you've all got your vials, I want you to take the stopper off." The leaders did so. They saw that the vials had razor sharp daggers on the tip of the vials. Where the handle of the dagger should've been was a sort of thin net.

"Okay, so I want you to cut yourself and I'm sorry I had to say that. Then all the blood will drip down the small dagger and onto the net which will let the blood flow through and into the jar. Know this, if you try and trick me, I will know. Each net is different and will only let your race's blood into the vial. If you try to pour water or any other substance into the vial and it will squirt back onto your face. I want you to just fill it up to the black line which is about 10mL." The woman smiled again while the leaders cut themselves with mumbles and mutters. Even with the warning, a leader tried to use his spit, only to have it spat back at his face. Once everyone had filled their vials, they handed them back to the woman.

"Alright, that's all I needed. Thank you for coming today. If you have any inquiries, come and see me now. If you don't, your free to return home. If you're a bit peckish, some biscuits and cakes are in the room to your right." Some of the leaders left while some went to go eat cake. While they did what they pleased, the woman went into her daughter's room, all the blood samples in a Myrox box.

"Honey, I have the samples. Come with me and we'll get started." The girl followed her mother down to a cellar where chemistry equipment and chemicals bubbled away.
"Okay, you go lie down on that bed over there while I mix these." The girl obeyed and lay on the bed. She thought it felt like the mortal beds they had in the infirmaries. Her mother came over wearing a mask and protective clothing.
"I'm going to knock you out so you don't feel a thing." The woman jabbed a needle into the girl's arm. She went out like a light. The woman bent down and kissed her daughter's forehead.

"I'm so sorry Aylvair. So sorry. If you knew why I'm doing this, you might understand. But I'm forbidden to tell you and it's killing me. All will be revealed one day. One day, you'll find out and understand." She whispered to the peacefully sleeping girl. She kissed her daughter's forehead again. She wiped the tears forming in her eyes and said a silent prayer to the girl's father. Then she plunged another needle into the girl's eye.

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