Chapter 8

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Aha! Another chapter for you lucky readers. Did I put another plot twist in this chapter? Yes I did. Enjoy!

Disclaimer – I am NOT Lynette Noni or Rick Riordan. I do not own any of these characters except Aylvair and Rowan.


"Morning sleepy head." I wake with a pale face and a mop of black hair, standing over me. Still tired, I cover my head with the pillow which the person just snatches away. I then try to snuggle down deeper into the bed but the person just pulls back the covers.

"Go away. M'tryin' to sleep." I groan. He just smirks and pulls me off the bed onto the cold, hard, onyx floor. I look back up at him from the ground and find the dark-haired boy from yesterday staring at me. I wrack my brains for his name and remember Chiron calling him Nico.

"No sleeping in. You can sleep in if you want but then you'll miss breakfast. Plus, Rowan, Will and I are supposed to take you around camp. So, no. No sleeping in."

"You do realise you have to respect your elders."

"You're 14. I'm 15. I think you'll need to respect me. Also, I was trapped into a casino for what? 65 years? 70 years? So, I'm much older that you." I push myself into a sitting position and glare at him.

"Actually, you've got my age wrong. I may look 14 but I'm actually 238." The smirk is wiped off his face and he frowns.

"How'd you get that old but still look so young?"

"I'm Meyarin. We live for thousands of years. My uncle looks about 30 but is actually over 3000 years old." He nods and starts walking toward the door.

"Alright, my ancient one. I'll leave you to get changed and clean up. Be outside in 15 minutes or we skip breakfast. Which, by the way, you won't want to do."

"Oh, and you'll happily skip your morning meal?"

"Sis, I don't need to eat as much as you do. I've survived in a ceramic jar for a week, only eating pomegranate seeds. Also, I've ventured through Tartarus, only drinking liquid fire. So no, I don't need to eat as much as you do." I was impressed by what he'd done but didn't let it show. I could tell though that he knew he'd won.

"Fine. I'll be there in 15 minutes."

"You've got 13 minutes now. You might need to get a move on." Moaning, I stumble into a standing position and walk unsteadily to the bathroom.

The food at CHB is delicious. You can eat whatever you like for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I decided to start easy with chocolate coated pancakes and a glass of a Meyarin drink called Blaed. It got its name from the blood red colour with silver dots in the liquid. It tastes brilliant and I feel very at home. After easting, Nico and I go to get Rowan and Will and we walk around CHB. We end up at the arena, the first place I met them.

"Right Aylvair, we want to test your fighting ability. There's a guy in there who'll test you and see how well you fight." Before I could complain, they left me alone to walk into the arena by myself.

"You guys suck." I huff as I walk towards the arena centre. Summoning Dyovnoxae, I turn in a full circle, trying to find where my attacker will come from. Only thanks to my Meyarin abilities, am I able to parry the attacking sword aimed for my neck. I turn and thrust my elbow into my apponent's stomach but it does nothing. It's like he's made of steel. I think it did more damage to my elbow than him. 

My attacker is relentless and he rains blow after blow on me. I can tell it's a boy but I wonder how he can continue for so long. Soon, even I'm puffing with exhaustion but he continues his onslaught. When I finally fall to my knees, does he stop. Holding out his hand, I take it, shakily getting to my feet. My opponent is breathing heavily but not puffing like I am.

"You fight well. Chiron told me you're Meyarin. I didn't believe him at first but now I've seen it first hand and I believe him entirely. Congrats." I wipe my sweaty hair out of my eyes and see a boy with blonde hair and bright emerald eyes that look full of mischief. He's got a strong build and handsome in his own way.

"What's your name?" I'm still catching my breath when he asks so it doesn't come out right.

"Sorry, didn't catch that." He looks patient and I smile.

"Aylvair. Aylvair Erraeya. Well, my actual last name is Dalmarta but since Zain, my adoptive father adopted me, I've gone by Aylvair Erraeya." He nods and smiles at me.

"Ok, so, how'd she do?" I turn and see Nico, Rowan and Will coming down from the stands. My cheeks burn red. Thankfully, they either don't see or they're kind enough to not to acknowledge it. my opponent looks at them and smiles their way.

"She sure is a Meyarin. She's got enough stamina to last a decent hour fighting normally and she's strong." Rowan looks at me and smiles. I smile back, my embarrassment gone.

"Well, that's good. At least now we know to always have the Hades cabin on our side during Capture the Flag." I looked over to see Will nudge Nico, smiling. The Hades boy's cheeks went beetroot red and he looked at his shoes. I smiled to myself.

"Sweet. So, where you guys headed now?"

"We don't have a schedule to follow so I guess wherever the day takes us."

"Cool crickets! So then, miss Aylvair, tell me a bit about yourself."

"Ok, so, my name is Aylvair and I..." I tell them him my story. Will, Nico and Rowan listen in as well and I assume they don't know anything about me. When I mention the part about the farewells and that Alexandra Jennings opened a door for me, he looked more interested. After I finish, he asks me something that I didn't expect him to ask me.

"Who was at the farewell?" I blinked and answered.

"Well, my adoptive father, Zain, my uncle Roka, although he doesn't know he's my uncle, my uncle's wife, Kyia..."

"What about the mortals? The gifted ones?"

"Alexandra Jennings, Kaiden James her boyfriend, Bear Ronnigan, Delucia Cavelle and princess, her boyfriend Jordan Sparker..." When I said Jordan's name, he flinched and his eyes widened.

"Wait, did you say Jordan Sparker?"

"Yeah, why?" I was confused. How does he know Jordan Sparker? and then a more important question How does he know about Meyarins and gifted mortals?? The boy rubs his neck and puffs out a breath.

"Jordan's my brother. My name is Luka Sparker."

Did I just put another plot twist in here? Yes I did.

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