Chapter 5

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I haven't written in a while and this is a short chapter because I couldn't think of much to put in it. Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer – I am NOT Lynette Noni or Rick Riordan and I don't own any of the characters save for Aylvair and Rowan.


"Welcome to Camp-Half Blood Aylvair. I hope your journey wasn't too rough." A centaur stood in front of me, smiling kindly. He looked a little old but also seemed as if he knew the secrets of the universe. After the trouble with the Nyxnoxae, our journey had been smooth. As soon as we had crossed into CHB boarders, Percy and Annabeth had visibly relaxed. 

"Now, if the gods have held their promise, then you shall be claimed soon. In the meanwhile, why don't you tell me your story." It wasn't a command, it was more like a suggestion. The old centaur headed towards an old three-story house. It looked as if it had been standing a long time and could collapse at a touch. He didn't seem worried though, for he clip-clopped up the stairs with Percy and Annabeth following close behind. Just as I was about to follow, I stopped. I could sense something or someone watching me. I whipped around and squinted into the woods to the west. I couldn't see anything though. I thought I was being paranoid but squinted harder one last time. 

"Aylvair, are you coming?" I turned to see Annabeth on the steps, looking at me curiously. 

"Yeah, sorry. Just got distracted by... by..." Annabeth shook her head.

"I don't mind. You don't have to tell me. Come on," and she headed back inside. I followed, but not before I glanced back toward the forest.

So, I told Chiron (the old centaur), what I was doing here and showed him the letter my mother gave me. Percy and Annabeth had then left us alone to talk. Chiron gave me a simple rundown of what happened here and I felt grateful for his help. He had the stood up and started walking toward the cabins. I followed close behind him. He then turned left towards the arena instead. When we finally reached the arena, three lone figures were fighting with swords. 

One was sitting on the benches. He had blonde hair the colour of the sun and freckles. He was smiling down at one of the boys who was fighting. The boy who he was staring at wore all black with a skull on his t-shirt. He was pale and looked as if he'd been though more than what a boy his age should've been though. The boy in black was fighting a boy with chocolate brown hair whose body was facing away from me. When he turned around I could see him more clearly. He had dark tanned skin and olive-green eyes. They must've seen us for they stopped fighting and sheathed their swords. The one sitting in the stands stood up. The two boys who had been fighting were panting.

"Right boys. This is Aylvair. She's new. Aylvair, this is Nico di Angelo, son of Hades," Chiron gestured to the boy in black. He didn't look happy but I remembered that Hades was the God of the Dead so I knew it might be rare to see him smile. Chiron continued, "This is Will Solace, son of Apollo." Chiron then gestured to the boy who'd been sitting on the side lines. He smiled at me and I smiled back. "And last, but certainly not least, Rowan Laevie, another son of Apollo." The last boy nodded his head in my direction in what seemed as respect.

"Ok, Rowan, can you take Aylvair around the camp?" Chiron smiled at the boy. The boy cocked his head to the side but nodded. "Perfect! Will, Phil is injured and needs medical attention." The blonde boy nodded and headed in the direction of the Big House. "Nico, can you put these swords away?" I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Rowan beckoning for me to follow him.

He lead me toward a field with strawberries. Some of the campers (that's what Chiron told me to call them) were making them grow faster.

"This place is called the Strawberry Fields. Not a very inventive name but it at least explains what the field is." I nod and he continues. "The Forge is the old building we passed. It's where the Hephaestus children spend most of their time." I remember the big, old building we passed and make sure I remember it as the Forge. We then passed many other building around camp and Rowan made sure I knew what each of them were for. After we visited the Forge and went inside (it was very smoky and busy), we headed to another old building that looked a bit like a shed. "We'll head to the armoury now so we can get you some armour that fits you before tonight. You really don't want armour that doesn't fit you tonight."

"What's happening tonight?"

"You'll just have to find out." I was curious but I knew he wasn't going to tell me, so instead of begging for him to tell me, I just shrugged my shoulders and nodded. The armour was very uncomfortable and I knew then and there that I wasn't going to wear it. "Right, until we know who your godly parent is, you'll stay in the Hermes cabin. They take all the unclaimed children until their parent claims them. Most of the godly parents will claim you quickly though, for Percy made a deal with the gods so now they have to claim their children." I winced at the claiming part and hoped that the CHB definition of claiming was very different to the Medoran claiming.

The Hermes cabin wasn't that bad. I got my own private corner of the room and nobody disturbed me. As soon as I got into the cabin after dinner, everyone was getting into their armour. I followed suit but I didn't put on the armour that Rowan gave me. I put my own Meyarin armour on. It was much more comfortable than the armour that Rowan gave me and it made me feel more like myself. The amour was invincible and so was I. I was ready for whatever they had to throw at me.

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