Chapter 11

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't finished posting all the chapters! But, I'm back! And... Since I haven't read PJO/HoO for so long, some of the facts might be wrong and I'm very sorry about that. If you have anything to tell me, just leave a comment or a Pm! Enjoy!

Disclaimer – I am NOT Lynette Noni OR Rick Riordan and I DO NOT own any of the characters except for my OC's


"Right, are we all ready?" Nico, Will, Rowan and I all had a backpack each and I carried another backpack each in the pockets of my shorts. They'd protested at first, but I assured them it was fine. They'd finally relented and so our quest began.

We stood just outside of the boarders of CHB, ready to go where we needed. We didn't know what to do to follow the prophecy and nothing was giving us any ideas. Nico stamped his foot in frustration.

"What are we going to do? We can't just stand here like idiots." I nodded in agreement. Taking the paper which held our prophecy, I read though it again.

"'Four will take a stand when the oldest god rises again, the Mage, the Healer, the Shifter, the Lost. One will suffer in the outer space, one will perish for helping as the cost. One will find out the truth.' What does that even mean? Where do we even start?!" Rowan shrugged and Will just lowered his head. Nico just breathed out an angry sigh.

"I think we should go ask someone for some starting help. Maybe..." He trailed off, looking out into the woods. I could tell he was thinking so I didn't speak. After a few minutes, he sighed again.

"I guess we could ask the Roman camp for some help. They do know quite a bit about prophecies." Rowan nodded reluctantly.
"Okay, we'll go there. But it's a good 4 hour driver away. It'll use up precious time. Do we have that time?" I smile mischievously.

"Oh, we don't have time. But we do have an easier way to get there. A faster way. Probably a more dangerous way, but..." I shrug. "It'll be fun. Com'on!" Taking Will's and Rowan's arm, I activate the shadows around me. I didn't know what the Roman camp looked like, but I didn't need to. Unlike the bubble doors in Medora, I only needed to know one small part of where I was going. I knew the name, so I was fine. The shadows washed over me and made my skin tingle. They tried to grab and drag me into their depths but I resisted. I resisted the shadows.

Soon, we'd made it to the Roman camp. I let go of the boy's arms and Will flopped to the ground and heaved his stomach's contents all over the ground. I wrinkled my nose and looked around, trying to see the camp. Seeing it in the distance, I start to walk toward it.

"Hey Aylvair! Wait up! We have to be careful with the Romans. They'll remember Nico and maybe Will, but they have no clue who we are. We've got to wait for them."

"Well, then they need to hurry up. Will! Nico! Hurry up! We're going to be pushed for time!" I don't know what overcame me but I became grumpy. I cringed at how sharp my voice was and apologised to the two boys.

"Hey, it's fine. But I am hungry. Do you think they'll have food?" I smile at Will as he rubs his stomach.

"I'm sure they'll have food Will."

"Oooh! Goodie." Together, we start walking toward the Roman camp. After a few minutes of walking, we finally find Reyna, the camp leader. Nico and Reyna hug like old friends. Will and Reyna bump knuckles and introduce Rowan and me. Reyna shakes our hands and shows us to her tent.

"Right. So you want our Roman's help with your quest. What's the prophecy?" So we tell her. Two other people, Hazel and Frank, come into the tent and we give them the shorter version of what's occurred. Together, we put our heads together and try and understand what we'll do. We finally find something to do and formulate a sort of plan.

Ok, so the next chapters will be a bit smashed together because I've lost some of the motivation for this story. I am truly sorry for that but I will still finish it! I will never leave it unfinished!

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