Chapter 2

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Again (😂) This is a PJO and TMC crossover fanfic. Characters belong to the author (Lynette Noni/ Rick Riordan)

Disclaimer – I am NOT Rick Riordan OR Lynette Noni


I heard it before I saw it. My head whipped up, hurting my neck. The pair that I had been following were standing in front on me. The boy was holding a capped pen and the girl had a dagger.

"What you gonna do? Poke my eyes out?" I joke weakly. They don't smile. I try standing up but the boy pushes me down.

"What type of monster are you?" he asks calmly. I star at him, dumbfounded. Monster? He must be crazy! I think.

"I'm not a monster. I'm just a Meyarin, trying to find my parent." He the girl scowls at me and I feel scared. I knew that if I had to, I could beat them but I really didn't want to engage in battle.

"Annabeth, what is a Meyarin?" he asks without turning. I assumed the girl was Annabeth, for she answered him.

"I've never heard of a creature called a Meyarin before. It must be made up." I could see the boy looking at me, considering what she said. I sighed, knowing explaining would take a long time.

"I'll ask again, one last time. What type of creature are you?" 

"And I'll tell you one last time. I'm a Meyarin." I said again, trying to stay patient. The boy didn't seem to grow agitated by my answer but I could tell I was pushing his patience.

"Fine then, Meyarin, why were you following us?" 

"You looked different, and I thought I could get help from you. I'm new to New York see, and I need help getting somewhere."

"Where do you want to go?"

"A place called Camp Half-Blood." The boy and girl exchanged glances and I could tell they were trying to figure out if I was trustworthy. Suddenly the boy turned around and uncapped his pen which grew into a sword. He thrust it towards me, pricking my hand as I jumped up, over the seat and ran so I was close to the path that lead out of the park. I looked at my hand and watched as the skin grew over the wound. The skin grew over quickly and I was healed in a few seconds.

I was glad for the new tech in Medora for I was able to stuff my suitcase into my short pockets. The Medorans were really smart with coming up with that. I then stuffed my backpack into the pocket too. The one called Annabeth advanced, holding her dagger. I realised these guys might be really good fighters. I also knew they didn't have Meyarin powers like I did though. I raced around them to the other side of the park, using my Meyarin speed. When I stopped, they were running towards me.

I summoned my sword, Dyovnoxae, and stood at the ready as my dad taught me. Dyovnoxae looked as if it was made of swirling inky blackness and it calmed me. The name roughly meant The Void of Darkness.

The boy reached me first, surprise and confusion on his face but it disappeared quickly. He tried a swipe at my neck but I deflected it with ease. He wasn't as good a fighter as my dad or Roka or even Alex's husband Kaiden. I ran towards a fountain and stood near the edge, being careful not to trip. 

The boy smiled but it wasn't a welcome smile. It was a smile that made me shiver, a dangerous smile, as if he knew something I didn't. The girl ran to the boy just as he raised his sword arm. I turned around, almost tripping on the fountain's edge. Water rose towards me but before it could drop onto me, I ran behind the fountain and back to the bench where I had sat before. The water dropped onto the ground and soon made a giant watery, muddy puddle. I wasn't even winded but I could tell that the others were starting to drain their energy. They jogged to where I was.

"Where'd you learn to run like that?" he panted. I shrugged.

"Maybe if you'd given me a chance to explain, I might've told you. I'm not a monster. I'm not even from your world. I'm from a place called Meya." 

"Never heard of that place. Are you sure you're not making this up?" Annabeth asked this. I sighed again, tired of explaining. All I wanted was to find my way to this place where I'd learn about my parent.

"Look, if you don't want to help me, then don't. I just need to get to this place called Camp Half-Blood and find out about my parent. That's all I want to do." Annabeth and the boy exchanged another look.

"You're not a monster?"

"NO!" The boy put his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry, just making sure." He sounded genuinely sorry so I let him off the hook.

"What's your name?"

"Aylvair. You?"

"Percy. This is Annabeth" Percy capped his pen and Annabeth put her dagger into her belt. I sent Dyovnoxae back to where it came from, knowing that we wouldn't fight anymore.

"So, you need to get to Camp Half-Blood?" I nodded. "Come with us. We go there quite a lot. Actually, we don't go there much anymore. We used to go there. But we can show you where to go."

Percy started walking in the direction we had come before our fight, Annabeth by his side. I followed them at a safe distance, still wary of them. They seemed okay though. Annabeth left Percy's side and started to walk next to me.

"Hey", she said.


"As you know I'm Annabeth. I'm a daughter of Athena. Who's your godly parent?" I looked at her, not knowing what she was talking about at all. "You know. If you're going to Camp Half-Blood, then you must have a Greek deity who just happens to be your mum or dad." I just shook my head, completely confused.

"My only parent is my dad and he's back in Meya. Technically he's not even my biological dad either. I was left on his doorstep when I was 200 years old." 

"200 years old! How?" I didn't really want to talk about it and Annabeth could tell because she changed the subject a bit. I was glad I didn't have to explain why I was so old but looked so young.

"So, do you know anything about CHB?"


"That's what we call it. Calling it its full name is tiring after a while. CHB is much easier."

"Oh." I don't know what to say. Luckily, Percy saves me.

"CHB is a camp that goes all year round so if your parents can't look after you, the camp can. Not many people stay in winter but there's always plenty of people in summer", he said. I nodded slowly, hoping they didn't see how worried I was. "Chiron will explain everything to you when you get there. Plus, all the kids there are like you, they've all got a Greek god or goddess as a parent. If you want, we can stay with you at the camp this weekend. Help you get settled in a bit." I nodded, grateful for the kindness.

The rest of the walk was in silence, each of us lost in our own thoughts. I wondered how I would fit in, wondered who my biological parents were. I even wondered if there was a slight chance I could go back to Medora.

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