Chapter 18

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Okay. This is probably one of the most important lessons in life. Learn and enjoy!

Disclaimer – I am NOT Lynette Noni Or Rick Riordan and I DO NOT own any of these characters except the ones I made myself!


The war against Zembia is over. I think to myself as I make my way to my father's throne room. 'The war is over. Yet, the prophecy is still to be fulfilled. Yes, the oldest God rose again. Yes, one suffered in the outer space. Zembia suffered. He perished, never to be seen again hopefully. Again, yes. One perished at the cost for helping. Rowan perished. The last line is yet to be filled though. One will find out the truth. What's that supposed to mean?' My thoughts tumbled around in my head as I tried to come up with possible meanings.

"Child. Welcome. I see Nico told you where to find me." My lowered head doesn't want to move from its comfortable position against my chest but I know it would be rude to keep looking at the ground.

"Father. Please. Let me see him." I watch as my father thinks about this. He scratches his head and sighs.

"Very well. But remember. You mustn't linger too long. The dead are dead. If you do not come out in 10 minutes, I will assume the dead have taken you." I shiver at the thought of the dead touching me but I really wanted to see Rowan one last time.

"Thank you father." I run to the doorway to Elysium. As I walk though it, I'm reminded of when I first came to Earth.

When I first see Elysium, I'm surprised at how little the number of people here are. I suppose more people are in the houses or in the trees scattered across the field but I can't be sure. I walk through the fields at a fast pace, trying to find Rowan as quickly as possible.

"Aylvair! What..." I see his familiar face full of concern and worry under a big oak. He stands up and I run to him. I wrap my arms around his torso and he folds his around me. The tears that didn't appear when I was still processing what had happened finally come. I'm reduced to a slobbery mess but Rowan doesn't seem to mind. He whispers soothing words into my hair, his warm breath against my scalp.

"Rowan! You... You died! And it's all my fault!" I fall to my knees and he falls with me, clutching me close.

"Aylvair! Look at me. It wasn't your fault. I died saving you. It was my choice and I chose to die for you. You can't change the past Aylvair. Carry on. Go into your future." I sob again and he holds me close. I feel safe in his arms and I don't want to let go. I can't let go. Rowan had been there for me since the start and I couldn't let him go.

"Aylvair. You have 3 minutes left. You must go now otherwise you'll be stuck here." He tries to pry my fingers off him but I just tighten my grip.

"No! Rowan, I will never leave you! You've done so much for me. I will do this for you."

"Aylvair, I don't wish this on you. You have to let go. Let go of me and go into your future. It waits brightly for you and I don't want to be the reason you don't continue."

"But if I leave, I'll never see you again!"

"Wrong. You'll see me when your time is up. But your time isn't now. It isn't yet. Go Aylvair. If you want to make me happy, let go. Let go of me and find happiness in the world around you. I may not be with you in body, but I will always be with you in spirit. Remember that Siluta. Remember that forever." I suddenly sit up.

"How do you know that word?!" He chuckles and it's music to my ears.

"Not now. When we meet again Siluta. When we meet again." He starts to fade and I clutch him tighter.

"When we meet again Siluta. Let go. Move on."

"No! Not yet! I'm not ready! No! Please!" I fall to my knees and they bang hard against dirt floor. I'm back in my father's throne room but he's not there. No one is there. I hear whispers but I don't know if they're real or not. My head is pounding as it remembers Rowan's last words before he properly disappeared.

"Move on and remember."

Okay. That's pretty much it. One more chapter left.

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