Chapter 3

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Same message. PJO and TMC crossover fanfic. I don't own any of the characters except for the main one. Most of the characters belong to author (Lynette Noni/ Rick Riordan)

Disclaimer – I am NOT Rick Riordan OR Lynette Noni


I walked into a comfortable looking room. A little baby was in a woman's arms whose back was to us. She must've heard us enter the room for she turned around to look at us, smiling. She looked very young. I thought she looked very pretty, with her chocolate brown hair cascading down her back and over her shoulders. Her eyes shone with warmness, making me feel safe. She was wearing modest home clothes, just a pair of tatty jeans and a green t-shirt. 

"Percy, good you're home. Who's your new friend?" Percy walked over and gave her a hug.

"Mom, this is Aylvair. She's on her way to CHB."

"Hello Aylvair. I'm Percy's mother, Sally Blofis." She held out a hand and I took it. Her hands were calloused, but soft. "So, you guys are going to stay at CHB for the weekend?"

"Yes mom. We'd like to see our friends again, especially Leo."

"When will you leave?" Percy looked at me as if asking when me for my opinion. I shrugged my shoulders, not minding when we left.

"We'll have some lunch first and then we'll head off."

"Well, you're in luck. I just made a batch of cookies. Percy, you've got another cut. I'll just clean it and then I'll get the cookies for you guys." She smiled. It was one of those infectious smiles which made you smile back.

"Thank you Mrs Blof—"

"It's Sally dear. Sally."

"Thank you Sally." Sally smiled and handed Percy the baby. Then she headed down a hall. Percy smiled and squeezed the baby with affection. The baby was wrapped in a purple blanket and looked very cute. Some spit poured out of her mouth and Percy wiped it away without complaint.

"Aylvair, this is my baby sister Estelle. Estelle, say hi," and he waved the baby's hand in the air. Annabeth smiled. 

"Hi Estelle," I chuckled. "I think you'd make a good dad." I say just as Sally came back and took Estelle from Percy's hold. 

"Yes, he would. Annabeth, can you hold her while I patch up Percy? I'll then put her down for a nap." Annabeth nodded and took Estelle from Sally. Sally then proceeded to clean Percy's arm.

"Percy, did I do that?" 

"Yeah, you did." He smiled but I felt bad.

"I'm so sorry."

"Hey, it's not the worst I've gotten. I mean, after the wars I've been though, this is nothing." He smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Plus, with your mad skills, you probably could've cut my head off in 2 seconds flat without me even knowing it until it would've been too late." He grinned lazily which made me feel much better. I smiled at him, grateful for his easiness. Sally was soon finished. She took Estelle from Annabeth's hold and headed back down the hall.

"Please sit, ladies", Percy said with a bow. Annabeth swatted at him playfully and sat down. I followed suit, without the slapping, and looked around again.

"So, what do you know about Greek Mythology?" I looked at Annabeth who had spoken.

"Nothing really. Where I'm from we don't learn about people from History's beliefs. Plus, it probably would've been different from here."

"Well, we'll tell you some basics on some of the gods and goddesses and see how you handle it."

Annabeth proceeded to tell me all about the Big Three, the 12 major deities and all the minor deities whose cabins were at CHB. They also told me about some of the other minor gods and goddesses who they'd fought before. Sally came back while Annabeth was talking. She brought us the cookies which were still warm. They were chocolate and blue. 

I looked at her and she explained that her second husband didn't think foods could be blue so she made sure to prove him wrong. When I bit into it, it filled me with happiness. They were perfect goodness, not to sweet but not too bland. Annabeth started talking again and I listened. All the information somehow stuck and I didn't get a headache. Then she told me all about the different mythical creatures which then lead onto the topic of different weapons and metals. 

"You catch all that information?" I nodded for I couldn't speak. I had just bit into another cookie. Annabeth looked at me oddly and I frowned slightly.

"Is there chocolate on my face?" 

"No, just... You're sure you caught all that information? And your head isn't about to explode?"

"No, my head is perfectly fine." She looked at me and shrugged.

"Most people can only handle a little information at once. Then they mostly forget some of it and it has to be explained again." I shook my head.

"No, I'm good at remembering things." Annabeth smiled. I looked towards Percy and saw their hands linked. I raised an eyebrow and Annabeth blushed. 

"You didn't realise?" Percy said with a smirk. He then kissed her the top of her head. I shook my head in amazement I hadn't picked it up sooner. I ate another cookie to save me from talking. I looked at my watch again and it read 12:30. I'd been in New York for over 2 hours now. Percy started to stand up. 

"Ok, I'll just pack a small bag and then we can be off. Annabeth, why don't you take Aylvair with you to your room while you pack." Percy left the room with us behind him. He turned into a room on the left and we turned to the room opposite it. The room I walked into was neat and tidy except for the bed which was a mess.

"Before we went out, I forgot to make my bed. Sorry", Annabeth said. I sat down, pushing some of the cluttering books aside. 

"So, how long have you and Percy been together?" Annabeth's cheeks turn pink and she faces away, pulling some clothes out of her closet.

"We've known each other since we were twelve but only been together when Percy turned sixteen." I nodded. "Is there a special someone for you?" she asked. 

"No, no one special." I didn't understand why girls were so weird about boys. I guessed that I would understand when the time was right. Annabeth just nodded. 

"Well, I hope the right person for you comes." I smiled at her. "We'll be heading off soon. Where are your bags?" I motioned to my pockets and she cocked her head in confusion. 

"They're in my short pockets."

"Where did you get your shorts?"

"A friend from Medora gave them too me. They can't be destroyed and they never get ripped. They can last for thousands of years." 

"Wow! That friend is sure smart to find a way to make them. I wish I had a pair. They seem handy. How much do they fit in them?" 

"As much as you want to fit in them. Whatever is put in them comes from the same place where my friend's sword, A'enara, comes from. My sword, Dyovnoyxae, comes from there too. If you just think of what you want, it will appear in your hand while your hand is in the pocket. They also have a special touch sensor so that if its not your hand in it, it makes the pocket seem empty but if you need someone to take something from the pocket, you can give that person permission." Annabeth looked as if she could be knocked over. 

"Well, do you think you could get some for me?" she said teasingly. I burst into laughter and she followed suit, both of us laughing until our sides ached. This first day would definitely be memorable.

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