Chapter 19

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Yay! We have finally come to end! Enjoy!

Final disclaimer – I am NOT Lynette Noni OR Rick Riordan. I am myself and will never be anyone else.

I DO NOT own any of the characters apart from those I created. And now, even those I created are in the past. So technically those characters are no longer mine. They belong in the past.

Let the final chapter begin!


"Ready Aylvair? Remember, you may not be able to come back." I look into my uncle Aven's eyes.

After I'd visited Rowan, I'd come back to CHB where some of the campers were surrounding Aven, listening to tales that I'd heard as a child. The Meyarin tales brought back memories and made me tear up. Once finished with the tale he's started, Aven and I took a walk around camp. We visited Luka and together, I found out the truth about Aven. Luka had also known about Zembia's power over Aven but had kept it a secret. I'd been angry that they hadn't told me but I also understood why.

This is where the last line of the prophecy came true. One will find out the truth. That "one" was me and the truth was about Aven. There. Prophecy fulfilled.

"Ummm... Aylvair? I'm not so sure about this anymore. I don't... I don't think they'll accept me back." I take my uncle's hand and squeeze it.

"Uncle, I can promise you. They will accept you back. In the event that they don't though, we can always come back here. Luka said so himself that you could live with him and help him in the weaponry. And anyway, why wouldn't they take you back?"

"Well, for starters. They won't believe our story. And even if you try and tell them what happened, they'll think I've claimed you. No. This is a horrible idea." He started to shrink away from the doorway I'd created between the shadows but I held onto his hand tighter.

"Uncle. Listen to me." I made him turn his head so he was facing me squarely. "A wise man once told me that we have to move on. If the other Meyarins don't accept our story, then that's their problem. Not ours. They need to move on. Just like we're doing." He smiles and brings me in for a bear hug.

"What would I do without you? You've saved me way too many times." I smile against his chest.

"Aven, just promise me something. That you will never keep a secret that big from me again. Promise me."

"I promise." We part and together, walk into the shadows.

Our past is behind us. Our future ahead. I wanted to stay with Rowan, stay forever in the past. I didn't wish to travel into the future, scared of what lay ahead. Because of this, I continued my journey in between the past and future.

I held my head high.

And lived in the present.

Believe me, I'm sad to leave this fanfic behind but hey! Who knows? I might make a few more chapters about Aylvair and her family in the future. 

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