Chapter 20 - Author's Note

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Just remember!

Live in the present. Don't dwell on what might've happened in the past or what could happen in the future.

Don't forget those you love, they will always be with you. Maybe not in body, but always in spirit.

There is a sort-of-famous quote that I once heard. It said something like;

"Everyone has 3 deaths.
The first death is when you die here on Earth, when your body stops functioning. When your lungs and your bones stop working. This is your first death.
The second death is when friends and family send you to your grave. Whether that be cremation or just the traditional burial. This is the second death.
The last death is when your name is uttered for the very last time. This could be by family, friends or even just because you became famous after your death. This is the last death."

This quote is true for everyone. If you remember someone, then they will never die in spirit. They will never cease to exist. They are always with you.

If you have any questions, thoughts or just want to talk to me, you can contact me at – email – Instagram

Or just Pm me.

Hope you've enjoyed this story!

Elfie out.

I just did a quick re-edit and made everything (I hope) a little easier by not having all the text chunked together. I know the last few chaps were fine but the first few were really chunky.
Anyway, before then I hadn't touched the fic for a whole YEAR, the last time I'd touched it apparently being the 15/11/18. So that's pretty cool I guess? XD

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