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That night Zima could barley sleep. The whole day was going perfectly. Her and Hino were just leveled up to chunin ninjas, and have shown there progress and hard work on becoming ninjas. Later to come home and tell the amazing news she is given a letter from her hometown written by her mother. The village being attacked. Her father hiding secrets. She had to take a trip back to understand what was going on.

Before they went to bed Aki and her got into a argument.

"Why do even care about what happened to them, those people treated you like garbage." Aki told her.

This made her angry, he was right they treated her horribly but that doesn't give him the right to talk about them like that.

"I have to find out what happen, I can't just abandon them completely after people just died. I thinks its best if I go without you." She told him sternly.

Aki tensed up, "Absolutely not."

Zima shook her head, "I cant let you come, this is my family business and I can't let get mixed up in it."

Aki sucked his teeth, "I can't believe your bending over backward for a village that sold you out."

Zima looked down, Aki wasn't a very forgiving type to those who did him wrong or the people that he loved wrong. For sake's he killed his own parents so he doesn't see giving mercy to abusive people.

"Please," she told him. "This is about me, I have to find out the truth about whats really going on. My moms life could be at stake, and I could possibility have siblings. I need you to stay here and let me handle this myself."

Aki looked at her unsure, and sighed. "Your kind heart is going to get you walked all over." He told going over to sit next to her. "Sorry if I came off as harsh I just don't want you walking into a trap."

Zima smiled and relaxed. She leaned on his shoulder and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You gave me everything I could ask for, and won't let them trick me into anything. I just have to get to the bottom of this." She stood up, "I will take Hino, Kaito, and Shea on this trip with me. The village will need you while i'm gone and they will protect me. Even though your girl has reached chunin level."

Aki nodded, "Chunin level is still not completely elite but I am proud of you."

Zima grinned, and hugged him.

"When are you planning to go?" Aki asked her. He started to put on his pajama's.

"By the end of this week," she told him. "I mailed my mother a letter back telling her I'm going to be setting sail to go there by the end of this week."

Aki went over to her and laid down. He didn't know what to make of all of this but there was not changing her mind.

Zima climbed in bed next to him. Now here she was 2am in the morning still not asleep and just thinking about her parents. How was she going to greet them. Act like she was fine with the abuse she dealt with, or show her anger.

"Your not asleep are you?" She heard Aki say. She turned around to face Aki on the bed.

"Yeah just a little stressed out." She told in a low voice.

"Wanna go to the garden, I'll make us some hot milk so maybe that can help you to get some sleep?" He asked.

Zima nodded and got up with him. She walked into the garden the grass touching her bare feet.

The stars above her, and the pond in the backyard. Two years since she moved to Japan and the garden was still her favorite thing about the palace. It was gorgeous and felt like an escape.

Aki came back with hot milk and they sat in the grass together. They sat in a comfortable silence and drank their milk. Zima leaning on his shoulder, and both of them looking at the stars.

"You guys cant sleep either?" They heard a voice from behind them. Turning around they saw Hino and Kaito walking towards them.

Zima smilied, and moved over so they could sit next to her. They had hot mailk as well.

"Its one of those type of nights." Kaito said, sipping his milk.

Hino grunted, "so whats the plan on you going back home."

Aki glared at his younger brother.

"What!" Hino yelled back at him with an attitude, "She might as well tell us whats gonna happen."

Zima chuckled. "I leave by the end of the week to Kenya. You, Kaito, and Shea will come with me. Aki is staying."

Hino groaned, "uuh great why I always get sucked into some deadly mission from a far away place."

Zima rolled here eyes, "Its not deadly."

Kaito kissed Hino on the cheek, "Stop stressing, me and Shea will protect you."

"Shea will get us all killed." Hino said grumpy.

Finally the milk was started to kick in and they were getting sleepy. The couples told each other goodnight departing to their rooms.

. . .

Femi started to read the letter that was sent back to her. Her daughter was finally coming back. After two years. Was she going to be angry with her. Was she going to forgive her after everything. How was her life in Japan. Femi wanted to now so much. How was she going to tell her about the death of her father.

Femi looked up at the sky. The bodies ere starting to rot and stink up the village. Nobody was willing to clean it up. The chief had moved somewhere else to not deal with the mess that occurred after the attack. Femi already had take Zakuen's body and given him a burial. She spat on his grave and still haven't heard any news from her family or his.

'I just need to get out of here, Zima please.'

. . . 

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