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Shea hid in one of tallest tress in the forest area outside of the village. Aki had sent many ninjas to come looking for her. She had to stay here for a while before she could completely keep going on her journey.

This was her first-time disobeying orders. She knew if she got caught now, she would get prosecuted. So now there was no going back.

Shea looked down. She could here ninjas shouting.

"Does anyone see her!"

"No check deeper in the forest!"

"Lord Aki says we must find her!"

Shea held her breath, watching them scramble from above. They had spent about five more hours searching and they had finally given up when it started to rain heavily. She scrambled away when she noticed all the ninjas disappeared from the big tree and kept rushing out the forest in high speed.

The first thing she was going to be needing was a ship, and she had to get the mainland Japanese ports first before she made her way to Europe to buy some new weapons, and the next finding Cruella.

. . .

"She is gone my lord," A mystery ninja said. He was kneeling in front of Aki and Zima. Zima looked anxiously at Aki who had his fists balled up and was biting his bottom lip. All night he didn't get any sleep. He was staying up getting updates all night with the search ninja crew to see if they found Shea yet.

"How the hell did you manage to lose her," He muttered angrily.

"We are sorry my Lord-"

"Get out!" Aki shouted interrupting him. The ninja nodded leaving Aki's and Zima's bedroom. Aki slammed the door behind him, and Zima sit on the edge of the bed.

Aki paced back and forth in the room in frustration. "What the hell is she thinking. It's a suicide mission if you go by yourself with people with powerful."

"She lost someone she deeply loved Aki," Zima said. "They way they killed Aika was brutal and with no mercy."

"And I promised that we will get them back, I can't focus on Cruella and Onibi now because one of the most powerful and loyal ninjas in my cabinet might go on a revenge killing spree. We need to find Shea first," Aki put one hand in his hip.

"I know your stressed, but we have to relax and calm down," Zima said.

Aki nodded and bent down in front of Zima putting his head on her lap. Zima stroked his hair to calm him down.

"I will have to assign a team today in my council meeting," he said with a deep breath. "Shea's search team, that will be the top mystery ninjas to find her first. We can't allow her to go on a killing spree." He tilted his head up looking at Zima.

"I'm sorry this is delaying the true mission," he said.

Zima smiled down at him. "It's fine I want to find Shea first too." She held his face with her hand.

"What did I do to deserve you," He said gently putting his face between her thighs. "You now in a week it will be our anniversary. Three years since we met."

Zima put a piece of his hair behind his ear, "A blessing wasn't it."

"Come on," Zima said helping him climb in bed. "You didn't sleep at all last night to please rest at least."

Aki didn't protest, he laid down next to Zima keeping her closely to his waist as she stroked his hair till, he went to sleep.

. . .

Aki and Zima woke up in the afternoon. Aki had to go to his council meeting to set up the Shea's search mission team.

Zima was in the garden the rest of the afternoon with Hino.

Hino was no in the best mood after finding out Kaito had to be part of the search mission team for Shea.

"Ugh, I finally don't have a mission and my other half is going to be gone for who knows how long," Hino complained. They were standing in front of the garden pond watching the golden fishes swim around.

"We just have to hope that this mission doesn't take a lot of time," Zima said. Suddenly Zima turned around and they both saw Shin approaching them.

"Hey good after noon Shin," Zima said in a perky tone. She noticed ever since her mom had moved in with Shin he was rarely around the palace in the more.

Shin smiled and waved at them, approaching them. He had his hand behind his back and seemed to be anxious.

"Good afternoon Lady Zima and Lord Hino. I wanted to talk to you about something," He said with eagerness in his eyes.

Zima gave him his attention. "Something wrong?"

Shin smiled, "Nothing wrong its just, well you know about how close your mother and I have built a relationship."

Hino and Zima shared a look before looking back at Shin.

"I'm going to propose to her tomorrow but I'm worried if it's a good idea," Shin said.

Zima and Hino were quiet in shock for a second. "You serious?" Zima said stuttering. "Oh my..."

Shin cleared his throat, "You don't think it's a good idea...Your mother was scared at first
about commitment..."

"NO! I never seen her love anyone like you before. I can see it in her eyes that you make her a happier person." Zima said. "Here is my advice, do it! But do it privately, it will be too much pressure if you do it will all us here. She can tell you her worries before you get a full answer if you do it privately," Zima assured him.

Shin nodded, and Zima stepped closer to him grabbing his hand. "Thank you for treating her so well, she deserved a healthy relationship after everything she had went through in the past Shin. Don't stress yourself out if she says no, it will probably be just because she is scared."

Shin nodded and saw Hino smiling at him as well.

"Well show us the ring," Zima said in excitement. Shin chuckled, reaching out his pocket to show them a rectangle stoned colored amber ring, that glimmered when he turned it. 

. . . 

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