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The entire meeting was a whole lot of finger pointing and who to blame for the situation. The chief really thought that Zima was behind the village attack because she wanted to get back at him for selling her. Which was ridiculous to Zima that anyone would think that, she moved on and was happy with being with Aki and in Japan.

Zima's mother the entire time kept quiet and never came in for her defense, not like Zima expected her too anyway. This was how she always had been.

"I have my own life to worry about, I don't think about you or ways to get back of you. You're so full yourself," Zima snapped at the chief.

The chief let out a chuckle and turned to Zima's mother Femi, "You raised an amazing actress."

Femi lowered her head and looked down on her lap. Zima shook her head in embarrassment. 'Embarrassing this whole thing is just embarrassing.'

The chief continued, "Were opening a case on the attack, and if any clues lead to you, we will have to make an arrest."

Femi gasped, and Shea stood up immediately pulling out her sword. The guards standing behind the chief did the same, pulling out their weapons. The room was in complete silence for a few seconds, with the chief and Zima glaring each other down.

That's when the guards and the chief started to laugh. They started to laugh so hard, tears were coming out their eyes, and the chief had his hand over his stomach.

"What the hell is so funny," Zima said her voice filled with spite. His laughter was a sign of disrespect. He wasn't taking her seriously.

The chief wiped off a tear and rested his back on his chair still smiling, and giggling, "I'm sorry we just had to get a good laugh. A WOMAN AS YOUR GUARD! What will she protect you from? Toddlers?" The chief started to laugh again. "Sit down little woman and let the big men take care of the fighting," He told Shea.

Shea started to tremble while she was holding her sword in front of her. Not because she was scared but because she was holding in the rage to not kill the man and his guards right in front of her. Kaito and Hino noticed her slight shaking. The looked at each quickly because nodding and speaking up.

"You might not want to tick her off," Hino spoke up. "I'm telling you right now for your own safety I would shut up if I were you." Hino had seen the wrath of Shea when someone had pissed her off and it wasn't pretty.

The chief suddenly stops laughing and turned to Hino with a serious face expression.

"Bipolar much?" Hino said.

"Was that a threat?" The chief said.

"To your mental health, it's kind of is," Hino replied.

"I meant your comment before that one."

"Well...that was more of a warning for your own life, your welcome," Hino started to sense tension.

Kaito started to grip his sword. Hino noticed and rested his hand on his.

"Relax," he mouthed to Kaito. The chief of Zima's village reminded Hino of his father. He gave off cold hearted energy and cruelty just like his father did. This was a man with a dangerous temper he was dealing with.

Zima put an end to the bickering, "ENOUGH!" She shouted standing out of her seat and moving to Shea who was still standing and holding her sword in a ready to attack position.

"Please," she said to Shea closing her hand onto Shea's shaky ones that were holding the sword. "I know how frustrating it can be dealing with people like this but, let's just end the meeting and I'll take you guys to an Inn for now."

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