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That afternoon after Zima, and Hino had left. Kaito and Shea were practicing and training their sword and katana skills in the training room in the palace. Ex-Shogun Hidetada had to be watched at all times, and they had tied him in the corner of the room.

Their goal was to get Hidetada to talk and admit where he they could find the other numbers of samurai and ninjas. So far Hidetada hasn't said a word, and that was a first.

"So, he's really refusing to talk," Kaito said out of breath after dodging one of Shea's attacks. "What happen to that cocky attitude back at the brothel."

"I wouldn't be so cocky after losing an arm," Shea taunted. "He's doing himself a favor, but sooner or later he going to have to talk if he knows what's good for him." Shea glared at Hidetada who was starting emotionless on the floor. They had cleaned his bandages for where he lost his arm and got a nursing ninja to do some healing on that area.

"What's so important about his guy, till the point that we got to keep him here?" Shea asked turning to Kaito. "Aki won't even let anyone take his eyes off him."

Kaito didn't respond. It just felt wrong to not tell Shea about Aika being back.

"If Aki wants the missing ninja so bad why doesn't he hire the mystery ninja we already have to track them done," Shea asked.

"Not enough left to do that," Kaito replied grimly.

Shea looked at him confused, "What do you mean? We should have more than enough?"

Kaito breathed in, either he could lie to her right now or tell her about Aika being back and hiding with a lot mystery ninjas keeping watch on her, and patrolling the villages borders.

"Well..." Kaito began.

Shea grabbed Kaito's arm, "Is there something you're not telling me, is there something that your keeping me out of the loop?"

Kaito tried to struggle out of Shea's grip but she just too strong to shrug off. "Shea not here," Kaito muttered glancing at Hidetada in the corner of the room who wasn't paying attention.

Shea eyes widened, "You guys are seriously keeping information from me?"

Kaito groaned, "Aki promised me he would tell you soon."

"Tell me what," Shea said gripping Kaito tighter.

"I would tell you if you just let me arm breath," Kaito ached.

Shea lossen her grip, "Continue."

Kaito bit his lip looking around the room. Hidetada wasn't paying attention and was just slumped on the floor. Kaito whispered to Shea, standing close to her, "Aika is back."

Shea eyes widened in shock, "Your lying!" She yelled, finally letting go of Kaito's arm.

"Shhhh" Kaito said with a lip to is mouth. "I'm not, and the only people that now is Me, Aki, Ren, and now you."

"Why the hell would you guys keep this from me," Shea said in shock. "All of you know how important Aika is to me, where is she even staying?"

"Look Aki told me to keep quiet about this, and don't be so loud about it," Kaito muttered.

Shea rolled her eyes in frustration and stormed out the room.

"Look, we'll talk about this later," but when Kaito turned around he found that Shea had already left the room.

. . .

Aki heard his door barge open, which was funny because no one dared to enter his office without knocking first. Curiously looking at who barged in Aki's eye met an angry, nose flaring Shea.

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